("Kansas"), After regaining her heart, Regina and Robin spend some time at her house. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. The Queen claims Robin's death was the best thing to happen for herself and Regina as it was this that spurred Regina into splitting herself. Regina takes the wand back to her vault to create a locator spell to find the other half but goes to get a missing spell ingredient from the pawnshop, where she sees Belle babysitting baby Robin. Suspecting Emma has something to do with it, Regina goes to the sheriff's office. A girl presents her with a blueberry pie, which Regina deems subpar since it's not apple pie. He is sure they'll find the Author, though Regina declares they must survive first, so she seals him in the office before the curse hits. Sidney reports back, but before revealing the Snow Queen's hideout, he wants to be human, but Regina threatens him into submission. Afterwards, Henry and his two mothers discuss deceiving the villains. One day, while traveling in the woods, she captures a Woodcutter and later chances upon his two children, Gretel and Hansel. She annoys Emma by tearing down Henry's playground, to which they get into an argument about. After hearing the terrible news, she rushes to the hospital to her son only to be assaulted by a livid Emma who finally knows the truth. Outside, Emma tells Regina to refrain from speaking in the interrogation room, though the mayor confirms the schoolteacher, like any other woman who has had her heart broken, can do unspeakable things. The characters we add are ours like Jazz Swan Hope and Fernanda if we include on here. She pegs Dr. Whale as the culprit and discovers him in the hospital mental ward with one of his arms torn off. Regina abruptly mutes her again, cautioning Zelena to remember that she is still the Evil Queen, and that she can be far worse towards her if she wishes. ("The Evil Queen"), Traveling in her carriage, Regina stops to interrupt a wedding ceremony taking place on the grounds near her castle. ("Hat Trick"), At one unnamed village, the Queen massacres everyone in it, and while everything is ablaze in flames, she walks by and notices a lone survivor, a young boy. The peasants plead for help against the bandit Dead Eye, who Regina has secretly employed to stir up trouble in the villages. Later, Regina learns from Tiana that Facilier purposely sent her after the beast just so he could retrieve a necklace. This appears to strike a nerve in Weaver, though he manages to turn around with a neutral face and ask her who Belle is. Regina arrives to the vault, where Emma tells her to fulfill the promise she once asked of her if she ever went too far. Despite her wish to get rid of Emma, they both know killing the savior will end the curse itself. He invites Roni to come with him, but she has unfinished business with Kelly and urges him to go back without her. Later, Regina is notified by the hospital security guard, Walter, about John Doe's disappearance. He chides that Regina cannot leave this life, even though she thinks there are choices in having love or darkness. Hoping to force them out, Regina asks the car mechanic Billy to speed up the repairs. But what happens when Killian falls in love with his son's birthmother, who also happens to be his adoptive sister Emma? From Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest. ("Siege Perilous"), Gathered with her allies at the sheriff's station, Regina is present as Grif's strange disappearance is noted, with Arthur suggesting Grif escaped back to Camelot with a magic bean. Can things ever be the same again between our two favourite ladies or is all lost between them? Instead, the wolf knocks the box out of her hands. As Roni reluctantly duels with him, the darkness in Henry's blood reaches a boiling point, helping to open portals to the alternate realms. Her lasagna is a hit with the party goers, but other than that, Regina is ignored. Henry unexpectedly gets kidnapped, so Regina and Emma have to work together to get their son back. While looking up spells to cast on Emma, she senses the savior herself is nearby. Regina does not know how to love very well and reader gets to experience it first hand. Eye color: As her nemesis collapses to the ground under the influence of the Sleeping Curse, the Queen smiles smugly. Now that she's the Dark One, she can finally have him. To King George, she promises to make the prince suffer more if he uses his "son" to hurt Snow White. He tricks Emma into throwing up the potion. Emma believes freeing Merlin is possible with her own dark magic, but Regina warns her against it, knowing all to well from her own experiences in dabbing in dark magic that it never ends well. Out of the blue, Regina is called to the diner by Mary Margaret for a discussion about Henry. As Regina looks into both of their reflections, Cora schools her on being the heart of the commoners once she becomes queen, and since the king is weak, they can kill him to own the throne entirely. To find out if Samdi is awake, Kelly pretends to be Roni when Samdi arrives with his offer to buy the bar. At some point after this, she gives Emma a box of potions to aid in possibly breaking David and Snow's joint curse. After leaving Henry to his comic books, she admits to Mary Margaret that she and Robin were intimate. Suddenly, Robin approaches to introduce Marian to Regina so the three of them can talk. Gender: She and the pack find her at Lake Onondaga in the company of the Huntsman and Red Riding Hood. Zelena fails to steal her heart, but furiously promises to take everything of hers. At the mayor's office, Regina reunites with her mother, who is worried for her safety in the Underworld and has prepared a boat to take her home. Bartender at Roni's (formerly)Mayor of Storybrooke (formerly) Once Henry corners her and prepares to end her life, Roni agrees to let him kill her if it means her death can prove to him that his family will still love him no matter how much bad he has done. Sequel to Where We Belong: Killian and Emma have been married a little over two years when Emma finds out that she is pregnant. Regina walks in expecting to see the cell empty, but to her dismay, Mary Margaret is there. Ivy texts Henry to meet her in the office lobby, however, Roni secretly replies for him, telling Ivy "he" will be there, only to delete both texts from Henry's phone afterward so Henry won't know about it. While traveling with the wolves to seize the mines, the Queen carries a box containing the Huntsman's heart. Regina presents them with the useful of Pandora's Box, but Neal is displeased to see Mr. Gold. She, Snow, and David ater watch Jekyll attempt to recreate the serum as a means to destroy the Queen. Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard. To accomplish this, he and Emma have to go on a quest to obtain a magical item, the flame of Prometheus, needed for combining the two weapons. Nothing happens and Regina quickly catches on that the heart is not Snow White's. Mary Margaret is sorry for doubting Emma's decision to allow Devin's heart to be ripped out as she knows how easy it is to give into darkness. In horror, Regina cradles Daniel's body and weeps in despair as her mother insists true happiness comes from the power she will have as the future queen. As Regina contemplates this revelation, she also realizes that while Jekyll became separate from his darker side, his capacity for evil remained, and this holds true for herself too, meaning the darkness inside her could grow back at any time. Following this, David and Hook blame one another for Emma's disappearance, with Regina stopping them from arguing after realizing the Queen wants them to turn against each other. Once Upon A Time Fanfiction Emma And Hook Pregnant. Deeper in the mines, the Black Fairy arrives to scrutinize Regina, noting she was the one to cast her Dark Curse, and the failure she made of it. The next day, Robin tells Regina that his love for her is real, but he must keep his marriage vows to Marian. Roni blames Kelly for ruining her plan, while Kelly questions her decision to send Lucy into a snake pit. Since their only parent is deceased, she wants to send them to a foster care system in Boston while Emma races to find the orphans' biological father. Emma believes her, but the culprit must be found, so they lure everyone into believing Regina is to blame. She then lifts the enchantment on Cinderella's hand to remove the heart-ripping ability and asks her what is really going on with her and Tremaine, but Cinderella refuses to say anything. During the evening, she begins cleaning up the mess at her apple tree when Mr. Gold stops by to inform her that Emma and Henry have since reconciled. Needing to search the premises of the Snow Queen's ice cream truck, Robin discovers it near his campsite and informs Emma, to which Regina and Hook also join in the investigation. The night before going home, Snow suggests Regina can make a clean break from her darkness by facing the Evil Queen. All charecherts belong to ABC. After finding the baby, Zelena offers to feed her with a formula bottle. 30.8K 1.1K 13. . Henry comforts her, and as he bites into a donut, crumbs spill onto the open book. Regina vows to snuff out love, light, and hope in the hearts of the people by casting her curse, and by the end of the melody, she magicks the mirror to make it crack. Kelly then smashes the sign into pieces, which shocks Roni until she sees Kelly pick through the debris to retrieve a circular red stone that is actually the amulet. Rather than fight her stepdaughter, the Queen decides to retreat, as she is feeling generous on her birthday. Later on, the heroes discover pixie flowers, which have the ability to reunite those who share true love, may be Snow and David's chance to undo the curse. [7], On the first day of Henry's senior year at school, Regina marks his height on a wall chart as she has done in prior years. His spirit separates from his body to reach out longingly at her, and then fades out of existence. Regina begins conjuring another ball of fire, but Snow and Charming use their song to weaken her magic. With Hyde momentarily stunned, Regina yells for Emma to use the baton on him, but Emma becomes distracted, allowing Hyde to begin strangling Regina. Regina rejects the offer by stating she always has been good, but Mary Margaret suggests that all her actions thus far have been evil. Language: English. Regina joins Emma, David and Hook to track down the Queen to finally take her down with the sword, but they are lured into the Queen's trap when they attempt to rescue Jasmine from her. An argument breaks out between Regina and Emma as Elsa pleads for them to mend fences. The barrier remains even after Robin uses the potion, which Regina explains is because even she hasn't figured out the right ingredients to break the Evil Queen's protection spell. The news devastates Regina, but by the next day, she makes drastic changes after letting go of her true love. The villagers fear her and because she has no name they call her "Little Witch." When Hook's knee bumps the table, a startled Mary Margaret withdraws her hands, which closes the gateway. Regina emphasizes all the family and loved ones Emma has, while she herself has only ever had Henry. In her mother's study, she is playing with her doll Isabella, when Cora walks in. Henry becomes upset over Cinderella's note and calls himself a failure, despite Regina trying to persuade him otherwise, and after her son goes outside to be alone, Regina pushes Hook to go comfort him. ~WARNING~ This fanfic turns into a fanfic for a certain OUAT ship. At this, Ariel complies with their terms and is told to go to Storybrooke. Gender: Regina ignores his advice and goes into the hut, but finds a decoy dummy in place of Snow, whose location she suspects the villagers know. She agrees to find their father if they retrieve a black leather satchel that contains something which was once hers. In a diner celebration welcoming David and Mary Margaret's newborn son, Regina overhears Hook imply that Emma intends to leave town. A bail bondswoman, emma is the long. Regina proposes she and Robin get into the building through an underground tunnel, but she refuses to let Emma come along, citing that she is too emotional over Hook to face Hades. BrownBlack (formerly) She insists to him that Archie's death was not her doing, and surprisingly, Henry believes her. By the time he got over being angry and went to go see what could be his child she had already had him and was on her way back when she got into an awful ac Emma's on the run from her bad break up with Neal and finds herself living in an apartment next door to the one and onlyKillian Jones! Regardless of reason, the goal had been to beat her first and foremost. Additionally, he greets Regina, whom he has crossed paths with before, and notes disappointedly that the rumors about her going soft are true. Fed up, she returns the child back to Boston, but ends up changing her mind and returning home with him. Upon seeing Elsa, who can use ice magic, she suspects the woman is responsible for Marian's condition, but Emma vouches for her. When Mr. Gold suggests that destroying the crystal's magic will erase Storybrooke, Regina reluctantly allows Emma to join her after the latter provides a lead on Henry. During King Leopold's birthday celebration, her husband showers Snow White with the proclamation that she is the fairest in the land. Additionally, she gives her a bracelet, in which the wearer can have control over having human legs. When Samdi is questioned by Roni at his hotel, he fully admits he did kill Nick but states he did not take the dagger. Dorothy (Teri Reeves) and Ruby (Meghan Ory) find true love in a hopeless place. During this, Regina reveals to Robin about the other Robin's fate. Happily, Regina accepts as Emma allows it, and the two go home together. Without Regina knowing, the Evil Queen has manifested again in New York, with plans of waging war against her. She finds her son at the wishing well as he tries to get rid of magic by blowing it up with dynamite. Regina attests that Rumplestiltskin won't be able to stop the Count, whom she has protected with the same spell that he used on Snow and Charming. However, it doesn't work, as Regina soon realizes the Queen put a fail-safe to keep the curse from being broken and that the couple will be permanently asleep by the end of the day if the curse isn't lifted. Recalling the same thing happened the first time she tried leaving Storybrooke, Emma considers fate is trying to tell her something. Mary Margaret is horrified at Regina's forceful tactics, but the latter asserts that it was necessary to get the truth. Hey guys! As assurance Emma won't try anything, Regina has Merida guard her while everyone is away. A hopeful Regina asks if she would consider being a family with the Queen again, to which Snow White affirms she would if the Queen was sincere about changing. Henry receives a missed call from Jacinda and worries something is wrong, but Roni persuades him to let Jacinda get back to him later and then provides him with a pair of sweatpants so he can join her for Kelly's pedaling class. Red Riding Hood | Ruby. And then She meets her english professor, Regina Mills. We finally got her." Henry fears they will all die, though Regina reminds him that he'll evade the danger because he was born in this world. Soon after, Drizella is thwarted by the heroes as she is turned into a statue, although she promises to be back in eight years' time. ("Selfless, Brave and True"), From a distance, Regina sees Henry and Mr. Gold's son, Neal, playing together in the park. Little do they kno Emma swan owns a very successful animal shelter and her son Henry is very helpful but what happens when Henry goes off to college and she has to find a new employee will she fall in love ? After leaving, she goes to the psychiatric ward of the hospital, where she checks up on a mental patient, whom Mr. Gold keeps the cup in memento of as he believes her to be dead. He is quite displeased to be her prisoner, but Regina is so desperate for his love that she is willing to keep him against his will. After he is gone, Regina retreats to the balcony and lashes out by hitting the railing repeatedly. While Roni is busy phoning the detective, Ivy slips out of the bar with Samdi, which Roni only finds out about later when one of the bartenders tell her Ivy was seen leaving with someone. Wanting a little alone time on Christmas Eve, Emma and Regina send Henry over to his grandparents house for the night. The Queen wholeheartedly agrees, but in the next instant, tears out her father's heart, as she knows happiness in this world is not possible for her. Before Snow leaves, Regina requests that, after she gets back to Storybrooke, to check up on Roland, as she knows Robin would want to know if his son is all right. She suspects Zelena broke the blood magic seal on the vault, but Zelena denies any wrongdoing. After coldly commanding Mary Margaret to leave, Regina enters her home and slams the door closed. ("Eloise Gardener"), At some point after Henry and Ella get married, they have a daughter, whom Henry introduces to his family and friends as Lucy, however, he notices his mother is strangely absent. Season 5 Fan Celebration, Curses and corsets - Lana Parrilla on her evil alter ego, ONCE UPON A TIME "Pilot" by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, https://twitter.com/AdamHorowitzLA/status/714569296395968512, Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships, Dashed lines denote marriages, engagements, adoptions, and relationships that result in offspring, The number of Prince Henry's siblings is unknown, King Leopold was married to Queen Eva until her death, Snow White is the Queen's former step-daughter through her marriage to King Leopold, Regina is one of the few characters from the first. Samdi admits he misled Ivy but that Anastasia was never going to die and he just needed to get some of the girl's magic. Emma believes Regina will prevail, but the latter thinks being miserable either way is her fate. As the two attempt to narrow down who it could be, they hear a noise at the door and go to investigate, only to find the Evil Queen on the other side. 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