The newest approach to gain control over the worlds resources is called Climate Lockdowns. WBCSD news articles and insights may be republished in accordance with theCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with ourPrivacy Policy. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again this time to tackle a climate emergency [] To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently. Shifting Arctic ice, raging wildfires in western US states and elsewhere, and methane leaks in the North Sea are all warning signs that we are approaching a tipping point on climate change, when protecting the future of civilization will require dramatic interventions. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. EVERYTHING that has/is going on, is the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY of POLITICIANS!! We have developed a range of assets that are easily accessible below, Copyright 2023World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Avenue du Bouchet2bis,1209 Geneva,Switzerland. But thats a discussion for another time. Otherversionsof theclaimhavespread widelyonFacebookandInstagram. It was first published in October 2020 byProject Syndicate, a non-profit media organization that is (predictably) funded through grants from the Open society Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, andmany, many others. It would likely include previously suggested bans on air travel, too. 15-Minute City Project, accessed Dec. 19. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated that these challenges are interconnected, and that our systems are ill-prepared for shocks. Is it Game Over for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Empire? There you have it. Read More: Is a "Climate Lockdown" on the horizon? SOS 1.5 is an action initiative of theWe Mean Business coalition. The past two years have been a checklist for the worst impulses of government and public sentiment. Of this, 3.75 million hectares was tropical primary rainforests, equivalent to a rate of 10 football pitches a minute. To ban red meat has to do with the Codex Alimentarius by which they decide what we can eat or cannot eat. The latest stage in the 15 minute city agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighborhoods," reads part of the article. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. It would likely include previously suggestedbans on air travel, too. This cleverly creates a veneer of arguing against them, whilst actually pushing the a priori assumptions that any so-called climate lockdowns would a) be necessary and b) be effective. Traffic congestion has been a notable issue in Oxford for years. Theories on climate change lockdowns are similar, drawing on anti-establishment themes often propagated within anti-mask or COVID-19 denial communities, whereby social, public health or environmental initiatives are viewed as a smokescreen for authoritarian state overreach. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); There was (is) NO pandemicand therefore, the pandemic didnt DO anything. Copyright Coherent Publishing, LLC 2016-23, There has been lots of chatter in environmentalist circles that the COVID-19 panic has much to do with Climate Change. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again this time to tackle a climate emergency. Because thats the oddest thing about this particular article, whereas most fear-porn public programming at least attempts subtlety, there is very definitely an overtly threatening tone to this piece [emphasis added]: we are approaching a tipping point on climate change, when protecting the future of civilization will require dramatic interventions [] One way or the other, radical change is inevitable; our task is to ensure that we achieve the change we want while we still have the choice. Over 200 members totalling well over 8 TRILLION dollars in annual revenue. Most likely, cities and states would begin a gradual and discrete ramp-up of restrictions. By choosing to continue, you agree to our use of cookies. Emissions started decreasing and it seemed that something positive was emerging out of a negative situation. Dont like the restrictions on your gas guzzler? As COVID-19 spread earlier this year, governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public-health emergency from spinning out of control. Now that the world is thoroughly acclimated to lockdown policies, they are seen as the next bit and effective strategy for solving global warming. Reuters Events Sustainable Events | 29 Jun 2021, Policy Advocacy and Member Mobilization (PAMM), Global Agribusiness Action on Equitable Livelihoods, Policy and Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution, Sustainable Plastics & Packaging Value chains, CECODES launches Vision 2050 Colombia, a roadmap to a sustainable Colombia by 2050. The action in question is a traffic congestion plan to reduce overcrowding and improve public safety. , Policy Advocacy and Member Mobilization (PAMM), Global Agribusiness Action on Equitable Livelihoods, Policy and Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution, Sustainable Plastics & Packaging Value chains, Partnership for Carbon Transparency releases updated technical specifications for standardized exchange of emissions data, ENGIE Impact: New guidebook on Decarbonization Fundamentals in Manufacturing, Emissions transparency: Pathfinder Framework provides updated guidance for the accounting and exchange of product life cycle emissions, Reuters Events: Global Energy Transition 2023, Director, Climate Action & Member of the Extended Leadership Group, Director, Climate Transparency & Member of the Extended Leadership Group, Incentives for Scope 3 supply chain decarbonization: accelerating implementation, Incentivizing supply chain decarbonization through public recognition and co-branding. Under a 'climate lockdown', governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To keep the world at a safe operating space, we must keep temperature increase at a maximum of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. After that, it was picked up and republished by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which describes itself as a global, CEO-led organization of over 200 leading businesses working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.. We mobilize our members to create the scale needed to transform their businesses and value chains to achieve Net Zero by 2050. Patient long-term finance is key, because a 3-5-year investment cycle doesnt match the long lifespan of a wind turbine (more than 25 years), or encourage the innovation needed in e-mobility, natural capital development (such as rewilding programs), and green infrastructure. If COVID could kill millions, imagine the powers the government will assume against a threat that could kill billions. Overhaul? Despite millions of people having died from COVID, former governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney last year predicted that climate deaths will dwarf those of the pandemic. [] [], [] to show their support, asserting the certificate is a symbol of what Europe stands for. Technocracy News reported: If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns wont [], Its the old tried and true twisted logic sold to the willfully ignorant public during the 9/11 terrorist attack, as its called, which led to the writing of the Patriot Act and the setup of Homeland Security, a ready military to march on sovereign soil. Finance needs fixing, too. Companies recognizing the opportunity -- and the imperative -- to decarbonize will gain competitive advantage. A frightening hypothetical A threat used to bully the public into accepting the hardline globalist reforms that make up the great reset. TYRANNY Is 09/30/21, Closed Borders Over a Virus That is Everywhere 09/16/21, How the War on Terror Has Morphed into a 09/14/21, The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On Th 09/03/21, The Internet of Bodies Ends Bodily Autonomy 08/31/21, Crash! Now, some claim a city in the United Kingdom isworking to impose new "climate lockdowns"on residents. There's no mention of confining residents to their communities or splitting cities up into sectors on the 15-Minute Citywebsite or in either Council proposal. Despite scientists yelling far and wide, we still arent doing our absolute best to decrease emissions and lower our impact on the planet. If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns wont be going anywhere. Under a climate lockdown, governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. Nothing. The website cannot function properly without these cookies, and can only be disabled by changing your browser preferences. They have defunded the police to the point no one is available to respond. Necessary cookies enable core functionality. The WBCSD's membership is essentially every major company in the world, including Chevron, BP, Bayer, Walmart, Google and Microsoft. How Do Carbon Emissions Affect the Environment? Copyright 2023World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Avenue du Bouchet2bis,1209 Geneva,Switzerland. A climate lockdown means no more red meat, the government setting limits on how and when people use their private vehicles and further (unspecified) extreme energy-saving measures. This means attaching strict conditions to any corporate bailouts to ensure that taxpayer money is put to productive use and generates long-term public value, not short-term private profits. . Necessary cookies enable core functionality. What are the powers to be going to do? These kinds of traffic filters have been previously utilized by the county and other cities across the U.K. in a bid to manage congestion and support public transport. Whatever it says, it clearly has the approval of the people who run the world. It doesnt outright argue for climate lockdowns, but instead discusses ways we can prevent them. The window for launching a climate revolution and achieving an inclusive recovery from COVID-19 in the process is rapidly closing. Car owners will be able to apply for daylong permits to bypass the new traffic filters without being fined. Supposing we can switch to entirely rely on renewables for energy, we still wouldnt be able to stop drilling for fossil fuels. Offers may be subject to change without notice. A reset, if you will, and given the desired scope, you could even call it a great reset, I suppose. This isnt a right-wing fever dream. Sometimes, when something isnt directly visible, it can be hard to believe or conceptualize. At the beginning of COVID-19, lockdowns were a necessary tool for fighting off and controlling the deadly virus. When are people going to wake up and realize that climate change is a hoax? One way or the other, radical change is inevitable; our task is to ensure that we achieve the change we want while we still have the choice. Under a "climate lockdown," governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. And for a minute, the Earth started to reflect those actions. We are going to have to fight them all over again. While many companies are committing to become climate neutral, transforming systems remains challenging for many sectors, leading to inertia and failure to deliver the climate action we need. Everybody from the Guardian to the Harvard School of Public Health is taking the same position The root cause of pandemics [is] the destruction of nature: The razing of forests and hunting of wildlife is increasingly bringing animals and the microbes they harbour into contact with people and livestock. As we get closer and closer to reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius a milestone that would cause the effects of climate change to further worsen scientists are emphasizing the importance and necessity of staying below this threshold. "But in the future, during certain times of the day, you may need to take a different route e.g. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. But the three crises and their solutions are interconnected. Proactive action such as cancelling credit cards and banking apps and getting back to using cash as much as possible is a good start. Under a "climate lockdown," governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. Staying at home and not being able to go somewhere isnt all that fun. Some governments have already launched sustainable growth initiatives. In the United Kingdom and the United States, wider industrial policy continues to support the information-technology revolution. Successful businesses will be those who have developed robust mitigation efforts, evaluated their level of climate risk and fully adapted to build resilience. June 10, 2021. Companies across the world are stepping-up their climate commitments: setting targets to reduce emissions and align with the 1.5C target for a climate-safe world. Vehicles such asbuses, taxis, motorcycles and emergency vehicles, as well as bicycles and pedestrians,will still have free access to these roads. ", "Residents arent on lockdown & traffic can enter/exit the different zones," he said in a tweet. Interconnected crises All Rights Reserved. The new traffic reduction system willrestrict drivers from accessing certain main roads during daytime hoursthrough the use of "traffic filters.". The website cannot function properly without these cookies, and can only be disabled by changing your browser preferences. Copyright 2023World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Avenue du Bouchet2bis,1209 Geneva,Switzerland. Such taxes could be imposed on companies, limiting driving or air miles, and extend to individual employees. The question, really, is why would an NGO backed by among others Shell, BP and Chevron, possiblywantto suggest a ban on drilling for fossil fuel? We are still not on track to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5C. Only hard evidence and pure facts are acceptable. Rather, it is a fact-free scare-line used to try and force a mental connection in the public, between visceral self-preservation (fear of disease) and concern for the environment. What We Know. Achieving this goal will require the rapid transformation of systems to decarbonize at an unprecedented scale and the private sector has a crucial role in the process. During the 2008 global financial crisis, governments flooded markets with liquidity. By choosing to continue, you agree to our use of cookies. Copyright 2023World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Avenue du Bouchet2bis,1209 Geneva,Switzerland. . As COVID-19 spread [] governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public-health emergency from spinning out of control. Global warming will cause drinking water to degrade and enable pollution-linked respiratory diseases to thrive. People stayed inside we went to the store less, didnt go out to eat, and entertained ourselves at home all to avoid exposure to other people. Addressing this triple crisis requires reorienting corporate governance, finance, policy, and energy systems toward a green economic transformation. Frances Health Pass System Fails 08/18/21, Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others De 08/13/21, Welcome to Chinese Communist Party-Style Techno-He 08/12/21, The Trump Event Called Crimson Contagion 07/21/21, Neuralink Brain Chip Will End Language in Five to 06/22/21, This is Not a Civilized Debate about Facts. yields to climate threatens not just domestic food security but also the economic devel- Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine Telegram groups, which once focused exclusively on the pandemic, are now injecting the climate change debate with the same conspiratorial narratives they use to . As we now know, simply staying inside would have an impact, but that one change might not be enough. 11/02/21, Climate Change is an Expensive Folly 10/27/21, Its the Mask of Your Enslavement 10/24/21, Climate Warming? Companies involved in our climate work offer proof that business is moving beyond talk to implement real solutions by bringing different sectors and stakeholders together to scale up solutions globally. Vision 2050: Time to Transform maps how systems transform and lays out a new framework to guide business action in the decade ahead. Businesses need to match their climate ambition with robust strategies and implementation to accelerate the systems transformation we need. A lot of post-fossil utopian ideas are sold this way, to people who are comfortably removed from the way the world actually works. Countriesaround the world ordered lockdowns throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemicin an attempt to contain the rapid spread of the disease. "Attack them on the facts not on conspiracy theories.". Our climate emergency is sometimes hard to understand. SOS 1.5 makes mission possible mission probable by helping companies identify the barriers to overcome and actions needed to accelerate our transition. The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill, by Kristin Tate, opinion contributor - 02/02/22 9:30 AM ET, by James Alm, Jay A. Soled and Kathleen DeLaney Thomas, opinion contributors, by Sergiy Tsivkach and Daniel F. Runde, opinion contributors, by Andrew Belnap and Jeff Hoopes, opinion contributors, by Andy Langenkamp and Maarten Spek, opinion contributors, Judge says Starbucks committed egregious and widespread labor violations fighting unions, Washington applauds private-sector insulin cap, The Memo: Lightfoot is latest Democrat to fall to anger over crime, Fight in high school classroom leaves one dead, one injured, School culture wars fuel top House GOP bill, US intel shakes up Havana syndrome theory, Greta Thunberg removed from site of Norwegian wind farm protest, biggest threat modern humans have ever faced, China, trade and national security: The tools we need. It reminds me of a Victoria Wood sketch from the 1980s, where an upper-middle class woman remarks, upon meeting a coal miner,I suppose we dont really need coal, now weve got electricity.. Staff and counselors at both councils have been subjected to abuse due to inaccurate information, being circulated online, about traffic filters, the statement reads. Except, of course, the Great Reset is just a wild conspiracy theory. A gun held to the publics collective head. According to some projections, 3.5 billion people globally will live in unbearable heat by 2070. She isthe author of The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy, The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again this time to tackle a climate emergency [] To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently. Everybody fromthe Guardianto theHarvard School of Public Healthis taking the same position The root cause of pandemics [is] the destruction of nature: The razing of forests and hunting of wildlife is increasingly bringing animals and the microbes they harbour into contact with people and livestock. Some speculate the government, using the pandemic as a blueprint, could limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures. Posted By: Kit Knightly via OffGuardian In hindsight, the overreaction will simply provide a backdrop for the next major government overreach. Other outlets, includingPolitiFact andReuters, also debunked this claim. 1:49 The claim: Oxfordshire government voted to test 'climate lockdown' in 2024 Countries around the world ordered lockdowns throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in an attempt to. They want you to own nothing and be happy. While business can take a leading role, it must work on and design systems transformations, together with scientists, policy makers, financiers and investors, innovators and consumers. Check out the latest sustainability news. The universality of the Viking and Mediaeval climatic optimums is written about by Kegwin, who wrote in Science, 1996:274:1504-1508, the mean surface temp of the Sargasso Sea (which lies roughly between the West Indies and the Azores), which was obtained by readingsRead more . , Explore our resources library to see publications, tools and case studies from across our working groups. The text of the report itself is actually quite craftily constructed. A "climate lockdown" means no more red meat, the government setting limits on how and when people use their private vehicles and further (unspecified) "extreme energy-saving measures". Replacing the Low Carbon Technology Partnership Initiative, SOS 1.5 provides sector-specific deep dives and a tailored roadmap for any company to achieve climate action, regardless of where they are on the journey. You can learn more about cookies on our privacy policy page. These predators have been trying to replace the Constitution for many decades. They might also introduce job guarantees at company or national level so that human capital is not wasted or eroded. Corporate governance must now reflect stakeholders needs instead of shareholders whims. If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns wont be going anywhere.

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