Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Bolton Littledale was also captured at Calais and escaped from his first camp, Stalag XXI-A in Poznan in Poland. They were transferred to other camps, and the camp was closed on 29 October 1941. Other reports on POW camps are held in CO 980 and HO 215. Of course, this did not quite work out to be the case. After two to three days, the column reached Stettin. They were soon joined by a handful of British Army officers and later by Belgian officers. Nick Tate, The camp was built in 1939 and designated Stalag I-C. At first it held Polish POWs, then from 1940 also French and Belgians, and from 1941 Soviet. While the guards were engaged in breaking up the fight, toward which the searchlights were all directed, three officers managed to cut through the barbed wire and escape from the camp. Stars: The first to arrive were 403 men from the Allied campaign in Norway. Stalag XVII-B Braunau Gneikendorf Near Krems Austria Location N/E 48-15. In the German administered systems prisoners were divided by 'type' i.e. The camp reported having 298other ranks on 26th February 1943. Besides, some include dates of death, exchange, repatriation and arrival back in the United Kingdom. Sessue Hayakawa, Votes: The prisoners lived in the factory buildings which couldnt accommodate such large numbers. A memorial was erected there in 1985. 49 Fontallenato Reggio nell'Emelia (Parma). | At this point, I should stop being surprised. Dona Bradman, The "horses" were wooden models that raced on a 36-foot (11 m) track, controlled by dice. [6] A popular diversion was provided by the "Milag Jockey Club" which held race meetings every Saturday evening. It was carried out by French and Polish prisoners. In June 1941 British and Commonwealth officers from the Battle of Crete and the North African Campaign arrived. POWs were sent out to labour in nearby farms, sawmills, factories, goodsyards and cutting ice on the river Vistula. The stronger helped the weaker. ", The ground was previously marshland until efforts to drain 10 years previously and this directly caused 180 POWs to be admitted to hospital with malaria, 3 died -. Records concerning war crimes committed against Allied POWs have mostly been preserved in WO 235, WO 309, WO 310, WO 311 and WO 325 with other material in FO 371, WO 32 (code 94), TS 26 and among the Foreign Office records of the Control Commission for Germany (CCG). 9 of the Soviet secret service (NKVD). As of 26th February 1943 this housed 1008 men of all ranks but by30th June 1943 this camp housed: 5 Officers, 344 other ranks and was split thus: 323 British, 11 Australians & 15 South Africans. Laurence Fox, 50 min The main centre used during the war was at Oberursel near Frankfurt. (These are the sources for the German/Italian camps information contained on this site -they are hand transcribed and are fully searchable). No beds or bedding in the buildings. Late 1943: The POW camp is closed and the entire facility becomes Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Located at coordinates 53 degrees 35 minutes North, 20 degrees 15 minutes east. District XVIII Nearest city Frankfurt am Main in the west of Germany. Anthony Steel, Oflag XIII-A was opened in August 1940 to accommodate mainly French officers captured during the Battle of France. I have read most of the prisoners memoirs, most recently Peter It housed 2455 officers with 297 other ranks. Richard Todd, They are currently being catalogued by name by volunteers. He was killed in action on 1 September 1944, commanding the second Battalion of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, and is buried at Airaines Cemetery in France. Set up by the Italians in May 1942 and ran until September 8th 1943. Opened July 1941, 119 other ranks were held here on 26/2/43. Housed up to 2,000 eastern European POWs, this was the biggest POW camp in Umbria. List of attempts to escape Oflag IV-C - Wikipedia List of attempts to escape Oflag IV-C Below is a list of attempts to escape from Oflag IV-C, the famous prisoner-of-war camp . The original content was at Category:Colditz prisoners of World War II. These first prisoners were the permanent staff of the camp and helped new POWs become accustomed to camp life. A very unique window into WWII, as well as into prison life. Frank Sinatra, I particularly liked the last chapter, where he followed up on what happed to the main characters. The remaining inmates asked that he inform the Americans of their plight which he did, and despite Koenigstein being in the Soviet zone, a decision was taken to swiftly remove the French generals from the castle on May 11. District VI Nearest city Wroclaw, Poland (German name: Breslau). Drama, History, War. Built as Stalag II-A Neubrandenburg in 1939, it was extended by the officer camp Oflag II-E in 1940 (renamed Oflag-67, 1944). The Geneva convention comprised a few other agreements made concerning Prisoners of war, notably the Hague regulations of 1899 and 1907 and the pre-war version which was initially signed on July 27th 1929. An excellent book on Colditz, much more realistic and rounded than some of the previous accounts which seemed to glamourise the legend. Stars: The Germans, however, always treated Merchant Navy seamen as POWs (as did the British from 1942). Of more than 5,000 Allied merchant seamen captured by the Germans during the war, most were held at Marlag-Milag. The area was fenced with barbed double fence height. Notorious: The hotel in Colditz, in southern German, has 161 beds and offers the full 'prisoner experience'. The Fund's operations include assistance to widows and orphans of fallen colleagues in the country, the fees for the lawyers defending prisoners before German courts, the payment of salaries of the cadets and soldiers, as well as cultural and educational activities. The Camp was used for Austrian POWs in 1915 until 1918 and reopened as a POW camp in WWII in February 1941. By May 10, when news of the German surrender reached them, half the POWs had vanished. Located close to Coltano, later part of a US camp until 1955. Marlag or Marine-Lager (marine camp) These were Navy personnel POW camps. Stalag 316 Wolknowysk (Vawkavysk, Belarus). Using cigarettes, watches, rings or whatever they had to trade with the farmers along the way, for food. In September 1939 some of the forts were used as POW camps for Polish prisoners, specifically those captured after the surrender of the Polish fort at Westerplatte at the mouth of the river Vistula and on the Hel Peninsula. Very engrossing. Twelve ounces of C-ration vegetable soup concentrate. Meanwhile, the column slowly headed east, finally crossing the River Elbe, north of Hamburg, on 18 April. At first they lived in tents, throughout the severe winter of 1939-1940, and construction of all the huts was not completed until 1941. Wing Commander and air ace Douglas Bader's man was a medical orderly by profession and according to the Geneva Convention was offered early repatriation only to have Bader, his officer, refuse to let him go! On the night of 27 September 1944 British aircraft attacking the nearby railroad junction in Nrde, dropped some bombs on the camp, killing 90 officers. Opened September 1943 and closed a month later. The camp was liberated by the U.S. Army on 16 April 1945. | 52 Pian di Coreglia (Chiabati, Genoa). They only remained there for a brief time before being replaced by 43,000 French POWs, who arrived in mid-1940, and remained the largest group of prisoners until the end of the war. Located in Warthegau, a western province of Poland that had been incorporated into the German Reich in 1939. The more search options you place, the more websites you have a chance of finding. Neubrandenburg camp was liberated by the Soviets in April 1945. The prisoners quickly found German bugs in their rooms, and discovered that an "English general" imprisoned with them was a German agent. Intentionally sloppy escape attempt in hopes to be placed in town jail. Ian Dalrymple Milag or Marine-Internierten-Lager (marine internment camp) These were merchant seamen internment camps, both these and Marlags were administered by the Kriegsmarine (German Navy). In 1942 the prison camp was a fairly modern building having been built originally to refine sugar beet in one report an an ex linen-factory in another. May 1941 more prisoners arrived from the Balkans Campaign, mostly British and Serbians. BBC News. Jack Hedley, Tous Public A newly wealthy English woman returns to Malaya to build a well for the villagers who helped her during war. Although all the camp buildings had not been completed, there were well-built ablutions and latrines, served with a good water supply, and a proper infirmary. The Prisoners of War and Internment Files in the Admiralty and Secretariat Papers ADM 1 (code 79) contain documentation on many aspects of the Royal Navy's involvement with the capture and internment of the enemy and Allied POWs, naval and other services. Stalag Luft II Litzmannstadt (Lodz -Poland), Camp for Soviet pilots in the district Litzmannstadt'u - Erzhausen (Lodz region today called Ruda Pabianicka at the south-western area of the city), the square of the current streets Oder (German Wallensteinerstrasse, from the south-west) Retmanskiej (German Paracelsusweg; from the north-west.) Located at Cividale del Friuli, 75 miles north east of Venice. Originally most soldiers and officers had been released after the end of the Norwegian campaign, but as resistance activities increased, the officers were rearrested and sent to POW camps. The New Zealand parcels were amongst the rarest and under their novelty perhaps, one of the most sought after in some camps. Some of the Dutch prisoners escaped when en route to Neubrandenburg camp via train by jumping from the boxcars and managed to get home. His escape from Colditz took place on 9 September 1942. From the port of disembarkation prisoners of war went to transit camps in the south of Italy. | The roll for Changi is fuller and is in AIR 40/1899-1906. 10 - Royal Signals,Caversham, reading, Berks, 11&13 - Grenadier Guards/Scots Guards, 25/28 Buckingham Gate, London SW1, 12 - Coldstream Guards, 75 Ashley Gardens, London SW1, 14 - Irish Guards, 71 Ashley Gardens, London SW1, 15 - Welsh Guards, 16 Wilton Crescent, London SW1, 18 - Infantry, The public hall, Lune Street, Preston, 23 - Infantry & APTC, Stanwell road school, Ashford, Middx, 28 & 37 & 38 - Pioneer Corps/Intelligence Corps, Non-Combatant Corps,The Dunholme Manor, Bournemouth, 30 & 31 - RAMC & ADC, Colet Court, Hammersmith, London W6, 32 - RAOC, Atlas House, Blackwells Court, Granby Street, Leicester, 33 - RAPC, F9 The War office, 18 Finsbury Circus London, EC2, 36 - Small Arms school Corps, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Surrey, 41 & 45 - AAC & ACC, Drill Hall, East Claremont Street, Edinburgh 9, 43 - RA (HAA), St Maries Hall, Dunchurch Road, Rugby, 44 - REME, 2a Tichborne Street, Leicester. Drama, War. From the Camp looking north through the perimeter barbed wire system, there was a spectacular view of the Dolomites and the mountains of nearby Yugoslavia. On 26/2/43 there were 247 officers and 2898 other ranks interned here. District XIX Nearest city Leipzig in the east of Germany. The camp was renumbered Oflag-67. Sophia Myles, 189 officers held here in an ex Monastery, as of 26/2/43originally opened May 1942. In May-June 1941 Yugoslavian, predominantly Serbian prisoners arrived from the Balkans Campaign, and soon after in June-July 1941 Australian and other British Commonwealth soldiers arrived, captured during the Battle of Crete. #1)(Serves Stalag 326) Minden Westfalen, Prussia 52-09, Reserve Lazarett Nassaulahn Nassau Am Lahn Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08, Reserve Lazarett Neukolln (Hospital #119) Brandenburg Berlin, Prussia 52-13, Reserve Lazarett Quedlinburg Sachsen, Prussia 51-11, Reserve Lazarett Reutlingen Wurttemberg 48-09, Reserve Lazarett Schmorkau (Hospital #745) (Serves Stalag IV-A) Schmorkau Saxony 51-14, Reserve Lazarett Weilmunster Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08, Reserve Lazarett Wiesloch Heidelberg Baden 49-08, Reserve Lazarett Wilhelmspart-Magdeburg Sachsen, Prussia 52-11, Rivesaltes Civilian Internment Camp Pyrenees Orientales France 42-03, Royal Hungarian Hospital No. camp during World War II and uses bribery and larceny to take de-facto control of the camp. A Polish civilian worker at the farm had helped them by hiding civilian clothes for them. The escape committee were supplied with full detailed survey and building plans of the castle by SOE during the war, these were better and far more detailed than the Germans had themselves! In June 1940 British, Belgian, Dutch and French senior officers and a small number of orderlies were transported to Mainz from transit camps in France and Belgium after the end of the Battle of France. SHAEF reports numbers as at Feb 1945 as: 200 British, 559 US, 7531 Soviet,757 Poles,1976 Yugoslavs,638 Italians and 10734 French. The local German forces refused free access to the camp, so an assault into the area was made by the Guards Armoured Division and the camp was liberated on April 29, 1945. The POWs were hired out to military and civilian contractors. The prisoners were from Russia and Europe, usually the east, but including Spanish Republicans. Walter Fitzgerald, 357 officers and 58 other ranks were reported here on 26/2/43. In October 1944 a small number of higher ranking officers arrived from the Warsaw Uprising. In May 1945 the camp was liberated by the Red Army. Stalag X-B Sandbostel Schleswig Location N/E 53-09. Transferred to Lamsdorf since not officers, escaped from Breslau work party, Hunger strike in order to receive transfer, escapes twice from new camp, reaches Switzerland. Patrick O'Neal, PG In April 1944, most of the prisoners were transferred to Oflag 79 near Braunschweig and the camp was closed. The camp was founded in 1939, by the 3rd Battalion barracks German motorized infantry regiment & 25th and 3rd Squadron - two motorized artillery regiments. After this incident, Upham was considered extremely dangerous and was placed in solitary confinement. | Littledale and Stephens, with forged papers, caught the morning train from Rocklitz to Chemitz. On 7 November, six British officers, the "Laufen Six", named after the camp (Oflag VII) from which they made their first escape, arrived: Harry Elliott, Rupert Barry (later Sir Rupert Barry), Pat Reid, Dick Howe, Anthony "Peter" Allan, and Kenneth Lockwood. Over 200,000 soldiers of the British armed forces were captured during the Second World War and placed in one of the different types of prisoner of war camps run by the Germans until 1945 and Italians until late 1943, sometimes even both! By 1941 a theatre had been built. | This camp was used after the armistice to house the 40,000 Jews from Modena/Bologna before their transfer to Auschwitz. Stalags were operated in both World War I and World War II and intended to be used for non-commissioned personnel (Enlisted ranks in US Army, Other ranks in British Commonwealth forces). The north and south parts of the camp consisted of tall storage buildings housing up to 2000 POWs each on just the one floor. When the Wehrmacht invaded the Netherlands they were short on material for uniforms, so they confiscated anything available. I loved the way he explores the culture of the camp as well, looking at the ways race and sexuality and class defined the war experience of so many. This was the POW camp next door to Auschwitz death camp and the inmates of Auschwitz frequently worked alongside British POWs on this work detail. Again, a camp previously used in WWI was located here at 53 degrees 32 minutes North, 11 degrees 6 minutes south map reference T220530. Allied prisoners of war plan for several hundred of their number to escape from a German camp during World War II. A civilian hospital attached to Camp 53 (Sforza Costa Liguria) camp. Many of the sick and infirmed were left behind in the Lazzarett (camp clinic) and were transported by rail or truck at a later date. The POWs were only in this camp for about a week; when lagers A and B from Stalag Luft IV were taken out on their final march, this time east. All went well as the six escapers entered the office during the previous evening and opened up the tunnel. 43703 (10303 British) POWs with 558 officers were processed through this centre and distributed amongst the many work camps locally. In late summer 1941 Soviet prisoners from Operation Barbarossa arrived and were placed in a separate enclosure built south of the main camp. Neave went on to work as an intelligence agent for MI9 and served with the International Military Tribunal at the Nuremberg trials in 1946.

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