Knowing is a film about grief; like Dont Let Go, its non-conventional plot is a commentary on how we cope with death. Whether you read "Knowing" as a movie about angels mistaken for aliens or aliens mistaken for angels, one thing is for sure: The movie gets, and incorporates, much of the existential appeal of spiritual devotion, as well as many of its tough underlying questions. [22] On the weekend of March 17, 2009, Knowing ranked first in the international box office, grossing US$9.8million at 1,711 theatres in ten markets, including first with US$3.55million in the United Kingdom. 1 Let brotherly love continue. British author Arthur C Clarke wrote a novel Childhood's End (1963) in which aliens enforce peace on Earth so that the children can develop their psychic powers. I saw the movie at an 8 p.m. screening on Monday, March 16, returned home and wrote my review on deadline. "We know very little about the nature, essence, powers and capabilities of angels," the authors write. Were the whisper people angels or aliens? Body type This isn't directly addressed by the film, but the rabbits are seen arriving safely on the alien planet with the children in Knowing's final moments. This reflects Koestlers grief but also parallels Lucindas cabin later on. Hebrews 13:2 Context. It seems likely that the character's name was chosen to echo these themes of faith and survival. | Knowing is a death mask a memento of the dead. This, coupled with the movie's earlier incorporation of Ezekiel's chariot vision in an engraving, raises the possibility that the whole thing is inspired by the Book of Ezekiel, and that the aliens are not aliens, but angels. The ending of the film, with the Strangers taking human children to a distant planet, is often regarded for drawing parallels with the Rapture story in Christianity of how, when the Apocalypse comes, the pure and faithful people would be taken to Heaven as the Earth is destroyed by the demons of Hell while every other human left burns in agony. Its knowledge could save countless lives, including Koestlers wife but it ends up under the ground for 40 years [releasing its curse is another horror movie mechanism, btw along with dark-haired, creepy little girls]. In the late 20th century and onward, many theories have been developed regarding the supposed "end date" of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. These revelations come a little out of left field, but there are a handful of hints peppered throughout the movie that add context to Knowing's ending. This comes back to bite at end, when Caleb is rescued and Koestler isnt. But for believers and little children, well, life finds a way. Abigail (for which Abby is a nickname) in the Bible is the wife of King David and daughter of Jesseand Jesus' descent is traced from King David and "Jesse's Seed".Finally, it seems to be the filmmakers' intent to link the story to the biblical end times prophecies (and therefore to angels, whatever they may be) with the last scene, in which John Koestler returns to his father, a pastor, and to faith in biblical prophecy and an afterlife. [12][13] Filming also took place at the Haystack Observatory in Westford, Massachusetts. What happens when the battery from Caleb's hearing aid goes out. That, of course, will depend on the viewer. The reason the Angels didn't inhabit the planet was because the Lance of Longinus, some type of failsafe device, disabled Adam, and that's how Adam was found in Antarctica: The exact reason that they are attacking Tokyo-3, or in the case of Gaghiel the Pacific Fleet and Unit-02 (or possibly the embryonic Adam), seems to be for a number of . John (Nicolas Cage) figures out that the last number isn't 33, it's "EE" meaning "Everyone Else." As he realises that a huge solar flare is about to destroy the planet, he follows clues left by Diana (Rose Byrne)'s mother to the location of her mobile . The following day, Lucinda engraves the remaining numbers into a closet door with her fingernails. A retired special agent who infiltrated the Hells Angels biker gang as part of a two-year undercover operation is exposing the organization's strict sex rules. This is the inside joke of the film. [43], Erin McCarthy of Popular Mechanics calls attention to the film's confusion of numerology, the occult's study of how numbers like dates of birth influence human affairs, with the ability of science to describe the world mathematically to make predictions about things like weather or create technology like cell phones. It's also entirely possible the aliens don't simply leave the children there to fend for themselves, it's possible they stay in the skies and observe and then come down to the planet or the "new Earth" to teach the kids how to build and how to survive. The twist sees John is doomed to die on Earth, while Caleb is taken along with his friend, Abby (Lara Robinson), to survive among the stars with the apparently well-intentioned aliens. Height Koestler doesnt believe in fate or predictions, or as he calls it, knowing. Related: Kick-Ass Finally Gave Nicolas Cage The Superhero Movie He Deserved. Knowing is based on a story originally written by American novelist Ryne Pearson. However it is based on the interesting possibilities presented in the "Ancient Astronaut Theory" also known as the Ancient Alien Theory. Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. Edit, The story of the film is strictly fiction. They are somehow related to demons or fallen angels and are often sited as evidence of evolution. An ANGEL is "a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe." [Bing] An ALIEN is a foreigner. All of this is quite simple and straightforward. External Reviews Caleb is one of the chosen ones. All the children create visual works except for Lucinda Embry. 7 (Beethoven) - Allegretto,[18] which is played without any accompanying sound effects in the final Boston disaster scene of the film. 1999: Nicolas Cage plays MIT professor of astrophysics and widower John Koestler (cf. It is also possible that the Strangers were leaving to evacuate more aliens from other planets on the brink of destruction, and would return. If you're a Christian fundamentalist who believes that Armageddon is nigh, you'll have a family hug and wake up to be greeted by St Peter at the Pearly Gates. Knowing (stylized as KNOW1NG) is a 2009 American science fiction thriller film directed and co-produced by Alex Proyas and starring Nicolas Cage. Related: Nic Cages Dracula Can Outdo His Vampire Method Acting. Many New Age theories exist, however, that suppose the universe or world will come to an end in that date. (Creepy Alien In Demon's Body Caught On Tape) (1) Demons have always treated mankind with cruelty and that is exactly what some of the alleged aliens do after they abduct humans. Skin colors They were the only two who lived to see the promised land. The UFOs are angels, but they're driven by actual aliens. Its a striking piece of music that loops between playful and foreboding. Koestler plays it at two points in the film. They most certainly seemed to be leaving our galaxy rather than ascending to a literal depiction of Heaven. He doesnt believe in heaven, after all. | In many ways we see the same ambiguities concerning KNOWING; are the creatures aliens or are they angels (or even a combination of both if one thinks our belief system was alien influenced)? Making it into a 14th b'ak'tun was to be considered an additional sign that the universe was "correct", and would be cause for a great celebration, similar to 20th century celebrations of the Millennium. Diana tells John that her mother had always told her the date she would die. She believes that she has entered their UFO in a spirit form while her physical body is asleep. However, the twist fits with the idea of humans receiving knowledge they cant handle. There's also imagery from Genesis used for the film's ending, with Caleb (Adam) and Abby (Eve) seen living on a paradise-like world (Eden), heading for a large tree (the Tree of Knowledge), as well as the spaceship acting as an Ark. That may also suggest that people on the other ships have saved animals too (ala Noah's ark), which some people assume. The first time is when he thinks about his dead wife as the film begins. The works are stored in a time capsule and opened fifty years later when the current class distributes the drawings among the students. N.p., n.d. Generally, angels are depicted as beautiful, pale-skinned humans with wings, wearing white robes, carrying a harp, and sporting a halo. ", "Patents and the Movie Industry: Stopping Nicholas Cage", "GLOBAL FINDABILITY, INC. v. SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT, LLC et al", "August Coppola, arts educator, dies at 75. 6. Guided by whispering voices, Lucinda fills her paper with a series of numbers. When he's not writing for Screen Rant, Niall also writes for Corner of Film (where he also hosts a podcast) and sporadically dabbles in fiction with a focus on dark comedy and horror. They save Caleb and Abby, leaving John to die along with most of mankind in the solar flare event, and the children are taken to safety on a heavenly new planet. In the moments before destruction, his father comforts him with the words: this isnt the end. Maybe aliens from another universe are beings that do not require salvation as they are already one with God. Knowing wasn't a film that required a happy ending, and it suffered from the studio's efforts to shoehorn one in. When it falls into Koestlers hands, the code unlocks the secrets of human tragedy and starts a countdown to destruction. All Aliens are deceivers. Psalm 19:1-2 declares: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. The aliens send a messenger ahead of doomsday; so does the Bible; As they return to their ship, the aliens transform into glowing, winged creatures - i.e., angels. God created two types of beings, spiritual being like angels (cherubims, seraphims) and physical beings like human beings and animals. Aliens, strangers, angels, some sort of hybrid, we don't know because they don't say. Its destiny. Strangers are also capable of shapeshifting, covering up their energy forms with Human-like disguises, which can emit bright lights from their mouths and teleport. After spending his formative years soaking in as much pop culture trivia as possible, Niall started writing about film online in 2020, and contributes to numerous websites. Whether you read "Knowing" as a movie about angels mistaken for aliens or aliens mistaken for angels, one thing is for sure: The movie gets, and incorporates, much of the existential appeal of . What is the significance of the black stones? TLDR: Apparently I just hate aliens. Knowing: The aliens combine this with Energy Beings. Famous last words. They could also be considered Hyperversal aliens from a previous Universe cycle whose lack of a physical form and supreme knowledge are most notable. Diana pursues them at speed in a stolen SUV, but is killed in a collision with a semi-truck on the date her mother predicted. Niall can be found on Twitter @lordofthegray. Proof Aliens Exist. After some initial disbelief, Diana goes with John to Lucinda's childhood home, where they find a copy of Matthus Merian's engraving of Ezekiel's "chariot vision", in which a great sun is represented. Nobody in the movie does." The Strangers are a mysterious alien race of hyper advanced beings that sought to save certain Humans from Earth's impending destruction. All praise for the undeniably awesome disaster scenes felt sidelined by criticism of the final shot. In low moments he doesnt even feel like theres any point to anything. They are Fallen Angels therefore and perhaps work for Satan since they work with other Aliens that are also Fallen Angels turned into Demons. I persist in the conviction that Alex Proyas's "Knowing" is a splendid thriller and surprisingly thought-provoking. [34], The film was nominated at the 8th Visual Effects Society Awards in the category of "Best Single Visual Effect of the Year" for the plane crash sequence. They took children because they wanted a fresh start. The project was picked up by the production company Escape Artists, and the script was rewritten by Stiles White and Juliet Snowden. | Most logically, it could be said that they were both. The sinister men (or "Whisper People") that are seemingly stalking Caleb throughout the movie are abruptly revealed to be aliens and are also responsible for the prophetic string of numbers that ultimately lead Koestler to the location where the aliens take Caleb with them. Edit, It is never told to us in the movie, therefore we can only speculate. . It can also be taken, however, to mean something else entirely. This is part of the Ancient Astronaut Theory. Common ways that angels will appear to humans as a light source include: bursts of small, colored lights across your field of vision; glowing orbs; a constant stream of very bright white light . Alien Angles - Learning Connections Essential Skills Estimation - visualize angle sizes. Mayan predictions for events continue into the future, either as a new 14th b'ak'tun or as a "distance date" from the end of the 13th b'ak'tun. "[32] Philip French's review in The Observer suggested the premise was "intriguing B-feature apocalypse, determinism versus free will stuff" and that the ending has something for everyone: "A chosen few will apparently be swept away by angels to a better place. The "Nordic aliens" or the good aliens are the good angels and greys or the bad aliens are the Fallen Angels which makes sense that their human hybrid offspring the Nephilim would have elongated skulls. The film, conceived and co-written by Ryne Douglas Pearson, was originally attached to a number of directors under Columbia Pictures, but it was placed in turnaround and eventually picked up by Escape Artists. They could also be considered Hyperversal aliens from a previous Universe cycle whose lack of a physical form and supreme knowledge are most notable. Our current world was considered to be a success, and therefore humans were created in it (c. 3000 BC). The film ends with the total annihilation of Earth and, for the saved ones, a fresh start on a distant planet. Caleb and Abby will probably stay together for awhile, however, just because they knew each other from the previous world. . Maybe the worst, but cowboys vs. aliens might take the cake there. Bipedal The ark, along with many other arks, leave the planet. Aren't children too young to take care of themselves? Since there were other spaceships leaving the earth, does that mean that the whisper people whispered the same numbers to other people around the world? At the films end, Koestler also seems to understand why he cant go with Caleb, and accepts this as fitting in some way. The movie had set itself up for an open-ended, intriguing, and possibly unsettling finish. Therefore, the gospel message on other worlds is alien to them and might begin, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Can you estimate the angles within 5 degrees? In an attempt to finish her message, Lucinda scratched the remaining numbers on the door of the school closet with her bare hands the night after the time capsule was buried. Translucent rib, spine, and vein-like structures can also be seen within their torsos and heads . Seeing Caleb taken up intact, its easy to see a parallel with concepts of heaven (and belief and innocence). By Gene W Strasser Jul 29, 2022 3:46 PM EDT. The powerful and rich and famous of this world give him their allegiance. The 2009 sci-fi thriller ends with an unforgettable twist, but it leaves a few questions unanswered. The group's job was to "detect, analyse and catalogue . Edit, It's hard to say. All in all, "Knowing'"s ending can be taken to visualize the overarching Christian belief in the saving of an elected few by a higher power. He sought to capture a gritty and realistic look to the film, and his approach involved a continuous two-minute scene in which Cage's character sees a plane crash and attempts to rescue passengers. The walls are stripped and theres clutter everywhere. With Knowing's apocalyptic climax mirroring the Book of Revelation, as well as the various other biblical similarities, it's hardly a stretch to think humanity's saviors could just as likely be angels. Here's a look at what that ending really means. That might have been what convinced him to save the rabbits. That repetition is as much as double cross as genre ambiguity and a clue that we should expect exactly the opposite. The late Roger Ebert was, for a long time, America's foremost reference point when it came to movie reviews and commentary, frequently shaping the public's perception of whether a movie was "officially" good or not. Comes back to bite at end, when Caleb is rescued and isnt! 2009 sci-fi thriller ends with the idea of humans receiving knowledge they cant handle [ 12 ] [ 13 Filming... The undeniably awesome disaster scenes felt sidelined by criticism of the final shot ending really.... 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