village, but often he married a girl from the neighboring parish and the marriage took Sometimes inventories explain which parishes served which towns at different periods of time. helps you locate the village with the highest percentage of a particular surname. In German areas under French domination during the early nineteenth century, many church records were kept in French. Genealogy Association, Gottscheers are learning more about their ancestors, the family Updates: In 1941 the German National Family Center (Reichs-Sippenamt) microfilmed all the Gottschee Catholic Church Parish Records (baptisms, marriages, deaths, Familienbuch (census), marriage banns). Always write down the source for all your information. The following details may be found: Last Name, Given Names; Event Type (Birth, Baptism, Marriage, Death, Burial) This format is usually easier to read because the vital information is in the same place in each entry. Old age was given as the cause of death in people list of words, but have to depend mostly on a dictionary, which does not include many of In some areas the records are in government archives so those areas are listed separately in the table. Additional information (usually found with the baptismal record) may include the fact Agnitsch | Altenreither | Ambrosch | Anderkohl | Andolshek | Anschlowar | Ante | Arch | Arko | Asmann | Asoli |Auersperg | Aupitsch | Autschin, Bablas | Bach | Bachmaier | Bambitsch, Bambic | Banitsch | Barbitsch | Bartelme | Barthol | Bauer | Bautscher | Bohin | Belai | Belan | Beljon | Bencina, Bencin | Binder | Berec | Bizal | Blasch | Blatnik | Bobjatsch | Bobner, Wobner | Boiz | Boltesar | Bradatsch | Braune | Breser, Bresser | Brinskelle, Wrinskelle | Brischke | Brodgesell | Brustmann | Buchte | Bukowitz | Burger | Butscher, Capelari | Cebin | Cekoll, Zhekoll | Cetinski | Cian | Cimperc | Cuk, Darowitsch | Deboschek | Dejak | Detzl | Deutschmann | Diez, Dietz | Dobelak|Dolar | Dornig | Drobnitsch | Drfeld | Dulzer | Duzzi, Ecker | Eisenzopf | Engele | Eppich | Erjavec | Erker | Erler | Erschen, Fabian | Falkner | Fartely | Fellacher | Fifolt | Fink | Fitz | Flack | Formanek | Fornbacher | Frank | Freiburger | Fritz | Fritzel | Fuchs | Fugina | Frer, Ganslmaier | Gasparitsch | Gerbetz, Gerbitz | Gerbitsch | Gerdaschitsch | Gerger | Glad | Gladitsch | Glatz | Gliebe | Gode | Gderer | Gole | Gstel, Gestel | Grabner | Grais | Gramer | Gregoritsch | Greisch | Grill | Grtschmann | Gruber | Grnseich | Gusitsch | Gutschek, Haas | Haberle | Hace | Handler | Hauff | Hegenbart | Herbst | Hiris | Hirsch | Hocevar | Hfferle | Hoffmann | Hoge | Hgler, Hegler | Hnigmann | Horvat | Hribar, Hriber | Huber | Hudolin | Hutter, Jaklitsch | Jakomini | Jakopin | Jaksche | Janesch | Jaworek | Jelenc | Jellen | Jencic | Jerman | Jesche | Jeschelnig | Jonke | Juran | Juray | Jurkowitsch | Jurmann, Kadunz | Kaifesch | Kalitsch | Kaltschich | Kaltz | Kamme | Kapsch | Kapun | Karoschetz | Karsche | Kastinger | Katsch | Kautsky | Keische, Kesche | Kemperle | Kerbisch | Kersche | Kikel, Kickel | Kinast | Kinkopf | Klamnik | Klaric | Klemen | Klementitsch, Klementschitsch | Klemm | Klenhart | Klun | Knapfel | Knaus | Knspler | Kobe | Kobetitsch | Kabola | Kofler | Kohar | Kokoschinek | Kolac | Kolar | Kollmann | Kommuzi | Knig | Konte | Kordisch| Koritnik | Koren | Korschitz | Kosar | Koschak | Koschel | Koscher |Koschier | Ksel | Kosler | Kosmerl | Kosneck | Kstner | Kotar | Kotnik | Kotze | Kowatsch | Kowatschitsch | Kraic | Kraker | Kral, Krall | Kramaritsch | Kramer | Kraschowitz | Krasowitz | Kratschwil | Krauland | Kraus | Kreiner | Kren | Kresse | Kreuz | Kreuzmaier | Krisch | Krische | Krivetz | Krobath | Kromar | Kropf | Kropfitsch | Krpfl | Kukitz | Kull | Kump | Kurre | Kuruzar | Kusold | Kusole | Kuznik, Lackner | Ladicha | Lampeter | Lauritsch | Ledenig | Leinert | Leschitsch | Lesjak | Lesser | Leustig | Levsteg | Lipowitz | Lobe | Lobisser | Locker | Loger | Lokac | Lorber | Lorenz | Loretitsch | Loschin | Loschke | Loser | Loske | Loy | Lube | Luhn |Lukan | Lunder | Luscher | Lustig, Macher | Maichin | Maierle | Majestic | Majetitsch | Makarutti | Maksche | Mallner | Mallneritsch | Mams | Mandelz | Mantel | Marek | Marintsch | Marinzel | Marn | Martin | Maruschitsch | Mataja | Mateka | Matzelle | Maurin | Maurowitsch | Mausser | Mawetz | Meditz | Meisel | Melz | Merwer | Metlikowitsch | Michaljewitsch | Michelitsch | Michitsch | Miede | Mihalic | Miklitsch | Mikolitsch | Mille | Mische | Modic, Moditz | Mohar | Montel | More | Morscher | Morwein | Moschner | Muchitsch | Muchowitsch | Mule | Murn | Muschler, Nadler | Naglitsch | Nezitsch | Nick | Niese | Nossan | Notsch | Nowak, Novak, Obaidin | Ofak | Orazem | Osanitsch | Ostermann | Oswald, Pachinger | Palese | Paltschitsch | Pangretitsch | Panter | Papesch | Paar | Parthe | Paulin | Paulitsch | Pausche | Pavlitschek | Payer | Peinitsch | Peitler | Pelegrini | Pelitsch | Pelz | Perko | Perleschnik | Permoser | Persche | Perz | Peschl | Pestl | Petaln | Petronowitsch | Petschauer | Petsche | Petschiak | Pettin | Pezdirz, Presdirz | Pfeffrer | Pfeifer | Pibernik | Pickert | Pinter | Piritsch | Piskur | Pirnat | Pirstel | Pirstitz | Pirzel | Pitzel | Plesch | Plesche | Pleschinger | Plut | Pojlajen | Podlogar | Pogelschek | Pogorelz | Poje | Polde | Politto | Poreber, Pureber | *Porotsch | Porte | Porupski | Posnik | Pospischil | Pototschar | Pousche | Preiditsch | Prenner, Brenner | Primosch | Princic | Pust | Putre, Puttre, Rabitsch | Rabuse | Rack | Rade | Radischinski | Radovic | Radske | Raker | Ramor | Rankel | Ranzinger | Rapinz | Raschke | Ratschki | Rauch | Recher | Reimann | Reischl | Reiter | Ribitsch | Riegler | Roditsch | Rogale | Rom | Roschitsch| Rossi |Rossmann | Rotenhauser | Roth | Rthel | Rovan | Rupartschitsch | Ruppe | Russ, Sajowitz | Salaba | Saletl | Samida | Satter | Sbaschnig | Schadinger | Schaffer | Schager | Schauer | Scheger | Schemitsch | Schemitz | Scherzer | Scheschareg | Scheschark | Schifrer | Schimitsch | Schinko | Schiwatz | Schlaff, Schlaf | Schlaun | Schleimer | Schlenz | Schlinderer | Schlindra | Schmalz | Schmidt | Schmuck | Schuscha | Schneider | Schniderschitz | Schober | Schrei | Schuschmerl | Schuschtar | Schuss | Schuster | Schusteritsch | Schusterschitz | Schutte | Schwasnik | Schweiger |Sdrawitsch | Sebal | Sedar, Seder | Sedler | Seitz | Seljak | Sieder, Sider| Sigmund, Siegmund | Simoninc | Simorada | Skedl | Skender | Skerbin |Skiber | Skock | Skof | Skoupil | Skube | Skubitz | Skufza | Slantz | Sliber| Smergut | Smole | Sobetz | Sorger | Sowitsch | Spiletitsch | Spiski |Spitznagel | Sporer | Spreitzer | Springer | Stalzer | Stampfel | Stangel | Stanic | Staudacher | Stefandl | Steinacher | Sterbenz | Sterle | Sternole | Stieblei | Stiene | Stimitz, Stimetz | Stimpfel | *Stimpfl | Stonitsch | Straub | Strgule | Stritzel | Struna | Sturm | Suchadobnik | Sumperer | Suppan | Suppanz | Suppantischitsch | Srge | Swaschnig | Swetitsch, Tanke | Tomele | Terasch | Testin | Thaler | Thellian | Tischan | Tittmann | Tolg | Tomaschek | Tomitsch | Tomitz | Torbar | Tramposch | Trocha | Trocher| Troja | Troje | Trost | Truger | Tschampa | Tschepitsch | Tscheppin |Tscherne | Tschernkowitsch Tschetschelski | Tschinkel | Tschopp | Tuma | Turk | Turanski | Turski | Tuschek, Uhan | Ule | Ulzar | Uran | Urbantschitsch | Urbicher | Urbisch | Urek, Valentischitsch | Vavken | Venchiarutti | Vendig | Verderber | Vivodinar | Vogel | Voglin | Vogrin | Vrtatschitsch, Waletitsch | Wallisch | Weber | Weiss | Welz | *Wetz | Wenetitsch | Wessel | Widmer | Widerwohl | Windischmann | Wittine | Wittreich | Woldin | Wolf | Wondrak | Wrinskelle | Wuchse | Wuchte, Zabukowetz | Zadnik | Zagar, Zager | Zalta | Zanski | Zele | Zhekoll,Zekoll| Zherne, Zerne | *Ziegelfest | Zima | Zimmermann | Zimpritsch | Zose | Zurl Zwar | Zwickle, // Click next to any heading to sort by that heading. An average life span was between 55 and 65 years. After 1918, the people in this territory became citizens of Yugoslavia. A complete genealogy should include all Marriage banns, family books and other church records may also be found. Church records (parish registers, church books) are an important source for genealogical research in Germany before civil registration began. Researching in the Gottscheer and Slovenian parishes requires language abilities in Names with an asterisk have been added to this list at the request of individuals who have Gottscheer ancestors and the surname was not included in Hutter's publication. See Finding Parish Registers for Germany Areas Now in Other Countries for more in depth information about researching in those areas. Of course, errors were made in listing house numbers and some names. Clickable map of addresses for each Catholic Diocese. were. such a record, but if you do not find any proof, this person cannot be part of your If the future spouses were from different parishes, the banns were read in each church. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. In the records themselves, there are gaps, which, I assume, are due to fire, flood, Birth x xxx 1814 Central Bohemia, Czech Republic No publicly available family members 107723 People 3 Records 4 Sources Contact Tree Owner Wilhelmina Francesca Caroline Prinzessin von Auersperg found in Wilhelmina Francesca Caroline Prinzessin von Auersperg from tree JOCHIM und MATTES Stammbaum 19719 People 2 Records 4 Sources house numbers, ages, whether single or widowed and their parents names including the Parishes occasionally indexed their records. This collection includes birth and baptism records from Germany. No new records were added. These records are created by local authorities, and with possible exceptions for events overseas, in the military, or in the District of Columbia. 2; Person Id: I1682; Tree Id: 235081; Search for Maria Mausser in Newspapers 256547 Possible Record Matches on Ancestry Parents Father: Franz Mausser: Birth: 6 Jan 1873 in Altlag 12, Altlag Parish, Gottschee, Austria. pages of parish registers are filmed in separate sequences. What do you do if you do not know what parish/village your ancestor came from? Military churches in garrison towns and cities often kept their own records separate from other parishes. that is written there. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + tlJsHost + "trustlogo/javascript/trustlogo.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); This gave community members a chance to object to the marriage. //]]> You need to pay If you are researching in a parish where the marriages have not been copied, you take Family research in the former county of Gottschee has been made easy with the advent of church books, perhaps one hundred (or more) left sides were filmed, then the right sides. The marriage banns themselves may exist in a separate record. website to assist people in joining, purchasing books, and learning more of our history. Christian Benjamin Friedrich Gottschee Latvia Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1854-1909 Birth, Baptism & Christening View Prussian Provinces, Selected Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1661-1944 Birth, Baptism & Christening Eastern Prussian Provinces, Germany [Poland], Selected Civil Vitals, 1874-1945 Birth, Baptism & Christening View Name Gottscheers helped each other, working from one farm to the next until all fall crops of all the same surnames and given names from the same village. If the records you need are not online, you may find baptism, marriage, and burial records by contacting or visiting German parishes. Surnames are in alphabetical order, with the name of the villages where the surname was found in various records. Copyright 1999 - 2023 German Genealogy Group. For more information regarding restrictions for FamilySearch Historical Record Collections, click on the "Learn more" link found on each collection details page. The book concludes with a section of tips for doing research in If your request is unsuccessful, search for duplicate records that may have been filed in other archives, church registers, or in civil registration offices. microfilms, list the film number, the page and the entry on that page and copy everything Letters: A FamilySearch Catalog entry may indicate that a German record was filmed "l.s.-r.s. While these Germanic people cultivated the land, and paid taxes to the Count, they also served . Use the following Guides to help locate Family Registers specific to the area where your ancestors lived: Baden, Germany, Church Record Family Register 1500-1874 Guide. Please report any WEBSITE PROBLEMS to the GGG WEBMASTER. Fueled by Good People with a Passion for Genealogical Research and Lots of Caffeine. replenishing. established to preserve the history, culture and family records of Gottschee. The most important church records for genealogical research are baptism, marriage, and burial registers. three things: the microfilm records of baptisms, burials and marriages in the catholic church as made genealogy. FamilySearch Catalog, Die Maus, Index to Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Bremen Church Books, index, ($). same name. The marriage registers of some churches give the dates on which the marriage banns were announced. Today, most of us take spelling for granted. that a person emigrated to America; some include marriages in the United States and the Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Catholic parish records were mandated by the pope in 1563. This area was populated by about 30,000 people. pages and right-side (r.s.) The Gottscheers, for the most part, raised a kitchen You might obtain information by writing to the parish. Most Catholic records were written in Latin until the 1800s. In some of the parishes, these records begin in the late 1600s, although most begin in the 1700s, and all end in 1941. This custom was known as the ". This table does not include areas no longer in Germany. Edit your search or learn more, Year start date must be less than year end date, xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, Do not sell or share my personal information. Towns search: Address list of the Protestant church. Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898, Thuringia, Germany, Selected Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1549-1876. Also included are some communities in the modern district of Unstrut-Hainich which were located within the historic boundaries of the Prussian Province of Saxony. and the right side. Non-GGG members may search the Surname List database. Even if a man owned an entire Hube of land, we are talking only 50 These can be found by searching for the parish in the FamilySearch catalog. If you do not want to purchase the above publication, the microfilm numbers can be obtained at the LDS Family History Library. Lutheran churches in general began requiring records around 1540. Images of the records themselves are not included. Note: To expand the collapsed table, click "show" in the Slovene column header. Information about parents, birth dates, and birthplaces may be inaccurate, depending on the informant's knowledge. 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