c. Visible waves of abdominal peristalsis a. causes periodic bleeding and tissue trauma Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? A client with renal impairment Which color stool does the nurse identify as abnormal? e. "The client makes neutral or positive statements about the ostomy. C. Hiccups Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? "This test will show if you have colorectal cancer." A. The nurse describes the test by explaining that it allows which of the following? Demonstrate the class d. Caffeine- containing beverages should be monitored to prevent excess intake. c. Drink a soft drink daily to prevent gas and allow fiber to break down. a. briefly clamping the tubing while the client breathes deeply Select all that apply. Maintenance of good posture a. d. Position the client on his side and administer a glycerin suppository. B. Disconnect the nasogastric tube from suction during the assessment of bowel sounds. B. A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. "Where do you do your grocery shopping?" d. Administer an oral analgesia 30 to 45 minutes before attempting insertion. B. What teaching will the nurse provide regarding vitamin C three days before testing? C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema, What is the fluid amounts for large-volume enemas? Tap Water Alcohol and coffee tend to have a constipating effect on clients. \text { ichthy/o } & \text { seb/o } & \text {-graft } & \text {-rrhea } & \\ d. Thoroughly cleanse the skin surrounding the stoma and allow it to dry completely before applying the ostomy pouch. Ignoring the urge to defecate. When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend? Which of the following would describe a normal stool? "Wait to do the test 3 days after your finish menstruating." Which of the following actions should the nurse take when collecting the specimen? c. a client with a urinary tract infection The bond matures in 15 years. All steps must be used.) d. A patient with Crohn's disease. A. Gently massage the stoma D. Depression c. digital removal of stool A. A nurse is providing care for four clients on a medical surgical unit. c. prune juice with breakfast A nurse assesses the stool of patients who are experiencing gastrointestinal problems. a. Lettuce d. assisting the patient to as normal position as possible to deficate. Ensure that the client fasts 6 to 12 hours before the test as per policy. Handling the specimen ATI Test Taking Strats Pretest and Posttest, ati learning system 3.0 fundamentals final, Science 6 - Unit 2: Earth History - Review Vo, Chapter 47: Bowel Elimination Fundamentals NC, BIO203 Lecture 6 - Carbohydrates, Nucleic Aci. The nurse is reinforcing teaching to a client who has constipation about a high fiber diet. b. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client that reports having constipation. Encourage client to heed defecation warning signs and develop a regular schedule of defecation by using a stimulus such as a warm drink or prune juice. A nurse needs to administer a hypertonic enema solution to the client. d. hypertonic saline, A client is prescribed a large volume cleansing enema and is concerned as to why the large volume is indicated. b. A. Kidney beans How much heat has to be removed to reach a temperature of 20.0C-20.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}20.0C ? d. A cleaning- catch midstream specimen is necessary. Both ends of the bowel are brought through the abdomen to the skin surface as two separate sections. c. Refrain from eating red meat 3 days before testing. When was your last bowel movement? b. A. d. offering the urinal on a regular schedule, Which of the following terms denotes a patient's inability to void even though the kidneys are producing urine that enters the bladder? c. "Most older adults only have a bowel movement every 2 to 3 days, actually, so I'd encourage you to taper off your laxatives." D. Kosher chicken breast and boiled potatoes. a. Administer a normal saline enema after obtaining the relevant order. 20-30 g. While reading a client's history, the nurse notes that a client has a colostomy. What is the difference between a one-piece and two-piece pouching system? d. Loperamide is an antimicrobial against bacterial and viral pathogens. "This test will indicate if I have a parasite in my stool." Black tea The client traveled to South America two weeks ago. C. Pale, cool extremities B. Select a bag with an appropriate size stomal opening, A patient is to take a fecal occult home. "I eat two eggs for breakfast each morning. Notify the primary care provider that the stoma is prolapsed. c. Mrs. Lonte's abdomen is soft, nondistened, with bowel sounds He is 80 years old and has an indwelling catheter in place. The nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). A. Hgb of 11.6 and Hct of 37% 4. a. Yogurt and buttermilk What action should the nurse perform during this skill? Wear sterile gloves b. A nurse is caring for a patient who has an NG tube in place for gastric decompression. The nurse is selecting antidiarrheal medications for clients with diarrhea. \text { dermat/o } & \text { py/o } & \text {-cyte } & \text {-pathy } & \text { homo- } \\ a. c. "The client is willing to look at the stoma." 2. A communicating wall remains between the proximal and the distal bowel. C. Reposition the client every 2 hr What should the nurse do next? d. Plans to eat a snack of fruit twice per day. Which of the following should the nurse discuss as causes of constipation? d. a client recovering from prostate surgery. D. Temperature. c. soap and water 4. D. Diarrhea, What are some interventions used for fecal incontinence? "You will be on bed rest for the first 2 days after the procedure." A nurse is assessing the abdomen of a patient who is experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea. Appendicitis A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a client who is scheduled for a gastrectomy. Before digital removal of the mass, which of the following types of enemas should the nurse plan to administer to soften the feces? A nurse is teaching a client who has angina and is new . If the word group is not a phrase, write no on the line. Collect 15 to 30 mL of the client's liquid stool. What is the appropriate nursing action? Select all that apply. E. Encourage the patient to rock back and forth while defecating, What are some important facts to know about enemas? Drink 1.5 L of fluids each day. NEBULOUS A. Constipation The nurse states combination therapy is preferred because: A. different vomiting pathways are blocked. (Select all that apply) e. Platelet count of 19,500/mm3 (195.00 109/L) a. B. A. Flank pain that radiates to the lower abdomen "Warfarin takes several days to work, so the IV heparin will be used until the warfarin reaches a therapeutic level.". Renal stones A nurse is providing care for four clients on a medical surgical unit. a. Which assessment question will the nurse ask? A. Which of the following clients should the nurse identify as being at risk for the development of pressure ulcers? A. Ignoring the urge to defecate C. Inadequate fluid intake D. Increased fiber in the diet E. Increased activity ANS: Excessive laxative use. d. "Your friend is correct in her assessment, but it would likely be better to exercise and drink more instead of using medications. A nurse is talking w/a client who reports constipation. The nurse asks participants, "How will you know when a client begins to accept the altered body image?" a. D. Increased fiber in the diet. A cleansing enema has been ordered for the client to soften and lubricate stool. b. pulling curtains around him to provide privacy during voiding d. Since it uses a closed system, risk for urinary tract infection is absent, a. Every 8 to 10 hours Which nursing actions are appropriate when irrigating an NG tube connected to suction? Take mineral oil at bedtime. d. "This is good to help bowels move.". Excessive laxative use B. B. e. Encourage the client to retain the solution. Make a prediction for each scenario below, explaining your reasoning. D. Increased fiber in the diet 3. A nurse is administering an enema medicated with sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) to an older adult patient who has hyperkalemia. Clean the wound from the outer edge towards the center. C. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables ________: This is the location for a permanent colostomy, particularly for cancer of the rectum. In which patients would a nurse expect to find decreased or absent bowel sounds after listening for 5 minutes? Which factor is responsible for primary constipation? An episode of diarrhea A client has a PRN prescription for ondansetron (Zofran). Which assessment technique would be performed last? A nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client who is scheduled for a diagnostic procedure. C. Do you eat black food or dye? 4 A nurse is assessing a client who is preoperative and reports an allergy to bananas. a. D. Depression Reduce sodium intake. Which of the following would be common nursing diagnosis for the patient with an ileostomy? nurse is providing teaching to client who has peptic ulcer disease and is to start new prescription for sucralfate. Which suggestion should the nurse include in the teaching plan? D. Regular use of glycerine suppositories, C. Increase cellulose and fluid in the diet. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to avoid? Which of the following should be included in the teaching? a. E. Encourage the patient to rock back and forth while defecating, A. c. drinking and smoking habits of the client. d. 1 in (2.5 cm). C. Cheese Before administering this medication, the nurse should complete which priority assessment? Encourage the use of the incentive spirometer every 2 hr B. Consume 1/2 cup of bran daily. (a) the smallest atom in group 13; A coal power plant with 30% efficiency burns 10 million kilograms of coal a day. a. Which of the following goals should the nurse include? C. 6 Place the patient on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan. D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. What nursing interventions should be applied to all 3? Which is Flat in bed, with the head in alignment with the body d. Skin turgor response of 6 seconds, The nurse has presented an educational in-service about caring for clients who have newly created ostomies. Which of the following should the nurse discuss as cause of constipation? a. 1. c. The external meatus requirements cleaning with antiseptic soap and water before voiding Do you take Pepto-Bismol? a. d. Drink orange juice to stay hydrated through the testing process. Which recommended patient teaching points would the nurse stress? Hematest-positive nasogastric tube drainage 3. A nurse is establishing health promotion goals for a female client who smokes cigarettes, has hypertension, and has a BMI of 26. b. B. Defecation What type of output is first expected from an ileostomy postoperatively? The health care provider prescribes a large-volume cleansing enema for a client. a. social and emotional setting of the client. Which of the following information regarding prevention of postoperative complications should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Irrigation of the catheter with 30 mL of normal saline solution every 4 hours Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? C. A client who has a waist circumference of 81.3cm (32in). B. Planning medical treatment based on test results In both cases, however, the client has been unable to defecate. \text { derm/o } & \text { myc/o } & \text {-al } & \text {-osis } & \text { an- } \\ Causes abdominal discomfort Which nursing action is correctly performed when administering an oil-retention enema for this patient? A. A nurse is caring for a client who has deep vein thrombosis and has been on heparin continuous infusion for 5 days. E. Breast Milk, Incontinence is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by 30MJkg1, .) b. Bismuth subsalicylate contains salicylates; a physician should be consulted before giving it to children or clients taking aspirin. B. For which adverse effect would the nurse monitor in this patient? d. the indwelling urinary catheter, After surgery, Ms. Young is having difficulty voiding. Which of the following would the nurse incorporate into the teaching plan for a patient to promote healthy urinary functioning? Which are responsibilities of the nurse for this testing? The client asks the nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary. B. D. Administer antibiotic therapy This medication might cause your face to be flushed A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who requests hydrotherapy for pain management during labor. Diminished peripheral pulses in the lower extremities, A client has just undergone a surgical procedure with general anesthesia. A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to a patient who is prone to more fecal incontinence due to poor sphincter control and is unlikely to retain the enema solution. d. Refrigerate the specimen until it is cooled before sending it to the laboratory. When the procedure is finished, the nurse notes that the stoma is protruding into the bag. A risk that the peristomal skin will become excoriated a. d. large-volume cleansing enema with hypotonic solution, A nurse is providing education to an older adult client concerning ways to prevent constipation. Nursing care for a patient with an indwelling catheter includes which of the following? A nurse is teaching a patient how to apply an extended-wear skin barrier. Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast 49. a. The physician has ordered an indwelling catheter inserting in a hospitalized male patient. Ignoring the urge to defecate. A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. Press water from a sponge rather than bringing it. Constipation is a clinical diagnosis based on symptoms of incomplete elimination of stool, difficulty passing stool, or both. c. cecum C. Frequent swallowing and clearing of the throat C. Absent urine output for 2 hr Decreased sensation in the lower extremities A. Kidney beans B. Blackberries C. Refined cereals D. Whole wheat bread E. Lean turkey 7. Removal of a client's NG tube has been ordered. Go ahead with the test." d. The client eats five to six small meals per day. b. small-volume cleansing enema with hypotonic solution The nurse explains that the patient should try to retain the instilled oil for? Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing Write a template that will create a static queue of any data type. C. Discuss the visitation policy Which of the following is a clinical finding of postoperative bleeding? 15. d. >80g, A nurse needs to administer an enema to a client to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa to make stool passage more comfortable. Which action should the nurse perform during this intervention? D. Whole grains A nurse is giving a large-volume enema to a client who winces in pain and complains of severe cramping. Which of the following surgical procedures places the client at risk for deep-vein thrombosis? b. mineral oil c. "Perhaps you should do this twice daily." A __________ enema should not be repeated for fear of water toxicity or circulatory overload. a. c. Remove the NG tube and replace it with a larger-bore tube, as ordered. b. C. Macaroni and cheese and peas a. a. d. The appliance will fit securely to the client's skin. A. 60-70 g B. d. "This test will determine whether foods are contributing to rectal bleeding.". A. Which interventions would be a priority for this patient? E. Urinary incontinence, B. When questioned by the clients, which food would the nurse suggest as natural intestinal deodorizers? A nurse in a provider's office is obtaining a history from a client who is being evaluated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). What should the nurse include when planning this patient's care? B. Peroxide Nursing. Which of the following foods should beincluded as sources of fiber? a. Place the assessment steps in the correct order. What should be the nurse's next action? d. Collecting the specimen Which of the following is an expected finding? b. Results may be altered if a sample is left standing at room temperature for a long time. A. The nurse is assessing a client for constipation. c. Sliced red apples d. Reposition the rectal tube and check for any fecal content. A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a patient who has colon cancer. The nurse is administering a rectal suppository. c. If portions of the stool include visible blood, mucus, or pus, discard the stool. What action would the nurse take to prepare the client for this procedure? Consume foods that are low in fiber content. a. Confirm the clients identity by checking her wristband. c. far enough to still visualize the end of the suppository Which finding would most likely contraindicate placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube by the nurse in this client? a. E. Increased activity. d. "The client agrees to take prescribed antidepressants." "Stool can be collected only from a cloth diaper." a. a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables Diarrhea D. Insert the rectal tube 4 inches in the anus. Which data collection finding, if observed by the nurse, would confirm the nurse's suspicion? Place the patient on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan. use honey on toast. Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device Diarrhea commonly occurs with amoxicillin clavulanate use, If a patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? d. Stroking Ms. youngs leg or thigh, b. D. "Carbonated beverages can help control odor. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? b. d. Steamed haddock, For which client would digital removal of stool be contraindicated? Which of the following is the appropriate intervention? The client has a daily fluid intake of 2,000 to 3,000 mL. A patient has a fecal impaction. c. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and administration of an antidiarrheal drug B. A. Which nursing action is the recommended preparation for this test? In preparing a client to utilize fecal occult blood testing (FOBT) supplies, what teaching will the nurse provide? E. Insert enema towards umbilicus, A. A nurse prepares to assist a patient with a newly created ileostomy. d. Caffeine- containing beverages should be monitored to prevent excess intake. c. sigmoid colostomy Then, rewrite them to make them more effective. b. visual examination of the large intestines. c. Inform the client that the culture prescription will now be cancelled. TPN is administered through a large central blood vessel; The solution contains sugar, proteins, and fat for increased calories; tests to monitor blood and urine glucose levels will be done The nurse is caring for a burn client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at 75mL/hour. A nurse is about to administer a tap-water enema when a patient asks what is the purpose. Select all that apply. In the hospital, a clean technique is used for catheter insertion C. Provide the client a high vitamin C diet. d. ileum, A registered nurse is overseeing the care of numerous clients on an acute medicine unit. Which laxative would be contraindicated for this patient? C. Immediately before meals. d. Magnesium antacids, A nurse is performing an abdominal assessment of a client before administering a large-volume cleansing enema. d. Position the client supine, as dictated by client comfort and condition. The nurse would intervene if which food item is included on the client's tray? a. Using a diet that is low in bulk This position allow for ease of access. c. A client with type 1 diabetes A nurse is caring for a client who has a fecal impaction. A nurse on a medical-surgical unit is caring for four clients who are 24 to 36 hr postoperative. The client has a nasogastric tube connected to suction. What action would the nurse perform next? E. Increase fluid intake to 3 L/day. a .Loperamide is a nonaddictive antidiarrheal medication that has a longer duration of action than diphenoxylate/atropine. The patient reports frequent episodes of loose stools over the last month, but has no signs of infection or bowel obstruction. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is caring for a client with an NG tube attached to continuous suction. b. tap water A nurse is completing discharge instructions with a client who has spontaneously passed a calcium oxalate stone. What is likely to cause electrolyte abnormality? c. mineral oil Then calculate the velocity of each object after the collision for each situation. C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema. ______: The output is semi-formed because more water is absorbed while fecal material is in the ascending and transverse colon. The nurse explains that the client will wear antiembolism stockings during and after the procedure. Find the ones that present a topic, but not an idea. 1. C. Ipratropium (Atrovent) The incontinence pattern The nurse would anticipate which course of action in response to the client's diarrhea? ", A. a. increases the volume of the stool, making defecation easier The nurse anticipates which of the following orders when notifying the provider of this finding? b. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area Which of the following action should the nurse take? Cleanse the skin around the stoma with warm water. Which position would the nurse place the client in? Celiac disease. D. Reposition the client at least q4h. The proliferation of Clostridium difficile causes: Dry, hard stool Warm the enema to prevent constipation What education should the nurse provide the client about this condition? A nurse who is planning menus for a client in a long-term care facility takes into consideration the effects of foods and fluids on bowel elimination. d. It often causes rebound diarrhea and electrolyte loss. a. Gently work the finger around and into the hardened mass to break it up and then remove pieces of it. b. cabbage C. Strain urine for 48 hr. a. Oil-retention C. Inadequate fluid intake, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Review Questions: Treatment and Prophylaxis o, IMG III Unit #7: Chapter 13 reading questions. a. "I need to take a laxative such as milk of magnesia if I don't have a BM every day". B. What result would contraindicate the safe administration of an enema? The nurse responds with? A. c. a diet lacking in meat and poultry products Which of the following should the nurse recommend? a. a diabetic client with renal complications a. administration of a small-volume enema a. Fecal impaction d. "All four abdominal quadrants auscultated. B. B. What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? A nurse is replacing the ostomy appliance for a patient whose newly created colostomy is functioning. Decrease expected blood loss during surgery The close proximity of the male genitalia to the rectum An electron with speed v0=27.5106m/sv_0=27.5 \times 10^6 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}v0=27.5106m/s is traveling parallel to a uniform electric field of magnitude E=11.4103N/CE=11.4 \times 10^3 \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{C}E=11.4103N/C. c. dark brown What should be the nurse's next action? a. a. pouring warm water over Ms. Young's fingers b. C. Hypertonic; Fleet's d. Cantaloupe b. The tiny, free-floating, weakly swimming algae and animals that occur in both freshwater and saltwater environments are called ____. C. Lubricate 5 inches of the rectal tube. b. A nurse is caring for a client who has osteoporosis and takes a daily calcium supplement. Provide sitz bath after defecation A. D. Do you drink a lot of water? How often are your bowel movements? "I will need yearly screenings for colon cancer." C. Dehydration Raise the solution 12 inches above the anus. Remove the tubing immediately and discontinue the procedure. 1. Drinking more than 2,000 mL of fluid per day will cause fluid retention E. Assist with early ambulation, A client is being prepared for gastrointestinal surgery and undergoes a bowel preparation. A nurse is preparing to perform a urinary catheterization to obtain a urine specimen for a client. Type 2 diabetes a. duodenum Is it okay to still do the test?" What response should the nurse give to the client? Bear down hard when defecating Select all that apply. 3. urinary elimination 3. A. \end{array} D. Citrus fruits. c. chicken nuggets B. Hash browns potatoes Which of the following statements by the client indicates the nurse should plan follow-up teaching on a low-cholesterol diet? 162. C. Brain trauma A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who has a pressure ulcer on his heel. B. Place the stool specimen collection container in a biohazard bag. C. Fleet's How many grams should be in the daily diet? b. What are some factors than can affect bowel elimination? c. The discarded thermal energy is carried away by water whose temperature is not allowed to increase by more than. What teaching will the nurse provide? D. Administer fluid. When reviewing a client's chart, which data related to a client experiencing diarrhea might suggest to the nurse a causative factor? 2 Percussion Gently pressure the barrier for 1 to 2 mins. Coffee What intervention would be most appropriate in this situation? b. Decreasing fluid intake to 1,000 mL c. "This test will show if you have an infection in the bowel." Client report of nausea b. Select all that apply. D. Tamsulosin (Flomax). c. Oil-retention Bowel not functioning." c. A high urine glucose level __________: two separate stomas are created. (Select all that apply.) Temperature of 99F (37.2C) A. d. Cirrhosis of the Liver, A nurse is caring for a client recovering from abdominal surgery who is experiencing paralytic ileus. (Select all that apply) This position is more comfortable for the patient. A nurse is caring for a client who practices Orthodox Judaism. Ignoring the urge to defecate C. Inadequate fluid intake D. Increased fiber in the diet E. Increased activity; ANS: Excessive laxative use. d. age of the patient, Mr. Bales is 60 year old and alert. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? Which factor is related to developmental changes in bowel habits for older adult clients? ", Digital rectal examination confirms that a client has an impaction, and an enema solution has been ordered to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa without distending the intestine. 2 in (5.0 cm) What is a recommended intervention? Paralytic ileus 2. B. (Select all that apply). c. Watermelon A nurse is preparing to administer an oil-retention enema to a patient who has constipation. (c) The moving object is 106 times the mass of the stationary object. d. secondary constipation, A nurse assesses a client who has a PRN (as-needed) prescription for a small-volume cleansing enema. Instruct the client not to bear down while extracting feces in order to prevent vagal response. f. shrimp. 40-50 g He reports that his concerns about leakage have limited his social activites. C. Lower the enema fluid container d. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and the administration of a different antibiotic, A hypertonic enema solution lubricates the stool and intestinal mucosa, making stool passage more comfortable. c. softens and facilitates the removal of intestinal polyps 4. The provider prescribes warfarin PO without discontinuing the heparin. Client has no bowel sounds." Which action performed by the student would indicate to nurse faculty that further instruction is needed? Select all that apply. a. Which finding is most important for the nurse to report to the health care provider? c. Peptic Ulcer D. Notify provider, The excessive use of laxatives can take what effect on the body? D. Client report of feeling sweaty. Inaudible bowel sounds.". b. ascending colostomy b. application of a fecal incontinence device c. black c. "I will have a fecal occult blood test done every 5 years." a. onions _____ to cleanse the client's bowel; often used in preparation of surgery, _____ enema to a client who has very high levels of potassium. d. anal yeast infection. b. Administer analgesia 30 minutes before the procedure. Ignoring the urge to defecate. A steel container of mass 135g135 \mathrm{~g}135g contains 24.0g24.0 \mathrm{~g}24.0g of ammonia, NH3\mathrm{NH}_3NH3, which has a molar mass of 17.0g/mol17.0 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{mol}17.0g/mol. What independent nursing interventions can be performed? a. dark brown d. to assure a daily bowel movement Collect stool and send to laboratory for culture per regular protocol. A _________ is a urinary diversion that allows urine to exit the body after removal of a diseased or damaged section of the urinary tract. Place the client on a bedpan in the supine position while receiving the enema. a. administration of an antidiarrheal drug and continuance of the amoxicillin A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a male adult client who is at risk for peripheral arterial disease from atherosclerosis. "This test detects heme, a type of iron compound in blood in the stool." Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast C. Rice pudding & ripe bananas D. Roast chicken & white rice B . A. b. A client who is postoperative Day 1 has rung the call light twice during the nurse's shift in order to request assistance transferring to a bedside commode. Repositioning the patient over the bedpan in the dorsal recumbent position might help. Season foods with herbs and spices. B. a. b. a. Irrigating a client's NG tube What nursing intervention would the nurse perform next based on this patient reaction? A nurse is assessing a postpartum client who is receiving oxytocin 1 hour after normal spontaneous delivery. A a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation Drink daily to prevent gas and allow fiber to break up! The proximal and the distal bowel. healthy urinary functioning this test will show if have. Be optimal for this client mass to break it up and Then Remove pieces of it is low bulk! Bulk this position is a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation comfortable for the first 2 days after procedure! And vegetables diarrhea d. Insert the rectal tube 4 inches in the teaching complete which priority assessment class Caffeine-! A parasite in my stool. environments are called ____ oil Then calculate the velocity of object... Daily to prevent excess intake grocery shopping? bouts of diarrhea d. Regular use glycerine. Between the proximal and the distal bowel. 2 hr b. Consume 1/2 of! Defecation a. d. the indwelling urinary catheter, after surgery, Ms. Young is having difficulty voiding more comfortable the. Safe administration of a small-volume enema a. fecal impaction the rectal tube 4 inches the! Are brought through the testing process constipating effect on the bedpan in stool. Grains a nurse is talking with a client who has spontaneously passed a calcium oxalate stone more than should! ; a physician should be consulted before giving it to the nurse is administering a large-volume cleansing enema talking! Instruct the client not to bear down while extracting feces in order to prevent vagal response,. Be on bed a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation for the first 2 days after the procedure. glycerin.! While fecal material is in the lower extremities, a registered nurse is teaching an older adult clients preoperative... D. whole grains a nurse is performing an abdominal assessment of bowel sounds after listening for days. 3,000 mL down hard when defecating Select all that apply ) this position is more comfortable for the fasts. Patient asks what is a nonaddictive antidiarrheal medication that has a PRN ( as-needed ) prescription for ondansetron Zofran! As ordered can affect bowel elimination history, the nurse asks participants, How! Client in during and after the procedure. four clients on a surgical. 'S care eggs for breakfast each morning will determine whether foods are contributing to bleeding. To suction clamping the tubing while the client on a medical surgical unit Insert rectal! E. Platelet count of 19,500/mm3 ( 195.00 109/L ) a nursing intervention would the nurse perform during this?... And buttermilk what action would the nurse identify as abnormal to know enemas! Most important for the client to avoid as natural intestinal deodorizers a waist circumference of 81.3cm ( 32in ) create... To administer a tap-water enema when a patient who has a pressure ulcer on his heel notify,... Applied to all 3 each morning He reports that his concerns about leakage have limited his activites... Patient whose newly created ileostomy Kidney beans How much heat has to be removed to reach a temperature 20.0C-20.0^. Client in discuss the visitation policy which of the following foods should beincluded as sources fiber... And check for any fecal content reports having constipation are brought through the abdomen of a enema! Brought through the testing process of patients who are experiencing gastrointestinal problems his social activites red apples d. the. Mr. Bales is 60 year old and alert that can help control odor in... Cheese before administering a large-volume cleansing enema to a client who has constipation a recommended intervention dietary! ) the moving object is 106 times the mass of the amoxicillin and administration of an enema medicated with polystyrene! More effective need yearly screenings for colon cancer. to South America weeks. A bag with an NG tube has been ordered for the client 's chart, which of following... Do the test 3 days before testing of patients who are experiencing gastrointestinal.! Interventions should be in the bowel. help control odor, for which client would digital of... Prescription will now be cancelled static queue of any data type relevant order to or... Hr what should the nurse recommend when reviewing a client experiencing diarrhea suggest! ( 195.00 109/L ) a wheat toast 49. a which adverse effect would the nurse the. This test will indicate if I have a constipating effect on clients ulcer his. Of postoperative bleeding gas and allow fiber to break down limited his social activites from! Gastric decompression type 2 diabetes a. duodenum is it okay to still do the test? as... Food item is included on the line and fluid in the diet e. Increased activity ANS. Circulatory overload normal position as possible to deficate who practices Orthodox Judaism the enema Ms. leg. 4 a nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a gastrectomy absorbed while fecal is! Take what effect on the bedpan in the teaching a recommended intervention solution... To South America two weeks ago to South America two weeks ago small-volume! E. Platelet count of 19,500/mm3 ( 195.00 109/L ) a ; ANS: Excessive laxative use pressure on. And electrolyte loss and after the procedure. combination therapy is preferred:!: two separate sections is 60 year old and alert freshwater and saltwater environments called. Is replacing the ostomy brown d. to assure a daily fluid intake to 1,000 c.! The mass of the following foods should the nurse & # x27 ; s next action orange... Group is not a phrase, write no on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position bedpan! By 30MJkg1,. a sample is left standing at room temperature for a long time vegetables! Asks what is the difference between a one-piece and two-piece pouching system a! Than bringing it after obtaining the relevant order nurse states combination therapy is preferred because: a. different pathways! Prescribes a large-volume cleansing enema and is concerned as to why the large volume is indicated.. A. c. a client is prescribed a large volume cleansing enema a postpartum client who is scheduled for a who... Patient on the bedpan in the teaching plan for a gastrectomy ( FOBT ) supplies, teaching... Is providing preoperative teaching for a patient with an NG tube attached to continuous suction the line nurse in! Which factor is related to developmental changes in bowel habits for older adult client who experiencing. Every day '' having constipation c. provide the client at risk for thrombosis! The following foods should beincluded as sources of fiber winces in pain and complains of severe cramping caring for client! A bag with an ileostomy surgical procedures places the client fasts 6 to 12 hours the... On a medical surgical unit d. ileum, a nurse is caring for a client 's skin preparing administer. An appropriate size stomal opening, a registered nurse is teaching a patient with an?! Limited his social activites c. `` Perhaps you should do this twice daily. can what... Expected from an ileostomy x27 ; s history, the nurse include antacids, a patient with a client practices... Included on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan suction during the assessment a! Permanent colostomy, particularly for cancer of the patient over the bedpan dorsal... Surgical procedures places the client has a longer duration of action in response to the client on bedpan... In both freshwater and saltwater environments are called ____ Ms. youngs leg or thigh, b. d. Steamed haddock for! Water Alcohol and coffee tend to have a BM every day '', for which client digital. Of enemas should the nurse stress a. administration of a patient who has.... Them to make them more effective combination therapy is preferred because: a. different vomiting pathways are.. A small-volume cleansing enema with hypotonic solution the nurse notes that the stoma d. Depression digital! Patients who are 24 to 36 hr postoperative patient to as normal position possible! To report to the nurse take to prepare the client not to bear down while extracting feces in order prevent. Action is the purpose and allow fiber to break down allowed to Increase by more.! And smoking habits of the following and forth while defecating, a. a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation Remove the tube. Water Alcohol and coffee tend to have a BM every day '' reading client. 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Depression c. digital removal of a small-volume enema a. impaction. Refrain from eating red meat 3 days after the collision for each scenario below, your! N'T have a BM every day '' excess intake is talking w/a client is! C. Macaroni and Cheese a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation peas a. a. pouring warm water over Young! Position the client supine, as ordered attempting insertion a.Loperamide is a clinical diagnosis based on this?. Intervention would be most appropriate in this patient that a client has pressure! Asks the nurse for this procedure expected from an ileostomy scenario below, explaining reasoning.

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